Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of the General Meeting of 15 December 2005
Champlain Park Field House
Members: Chris Szpak (Chair & Secretary), John Almstedt, Erwin Dreessen, Carol Gudz, Amy Kempster, Daphne McCree, Janice Seline
Regrets: Mik Svilans
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
1. Adoption of the Agenda:
The following item was added:
– Under New Business: Provincial Bill 51
The following item was removed:
– Under Business arising: (i) UNA monitoring
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and D. McCree seconded acceptance of the Agenda as amended. Carried.
2. Minutes of November Meeting:
Motion: J. Seline moved and E. Dreessen seconded to approve the minutes of the 24 November 2005 general meeting. Carried.
3. Membership Report:
J. Seline will be sending out an email to remind members to renew their membership.
J. Seline to send reminder email.
4. Treasurer’s Report:
A. Kempster gave a brief report on bank balances.
(a) Motion: Kempster moved and E. Dreessen seconded to approve payment of the auditor for his annual review of the Alliance’s finances ($200). Carried.
(b) Motion: Kempster moved and E. Dreessen seconded to approve payment of $2035.50 for legal services (Webber’s KNL appeal), to be covered in part by a personal loan by A. Kempster. Carried.
(c) Motion: Kempster moved and C. Gudz seconded to authorize payment as monies are available in the KNL account for services rendered and expenses incurred by David White (preparation and OMB testimony), Nancy Smith and Ron Tolmie. Carried.
7. Business Arising from Minutes:
(a) 15 & 81 Colonnade Road:
E. Dreessen reported on the PEC meeting on November 22 which covered the proposed development at 15 & 81 Colonnade Road and where he made a presentation on behalf of the Alliance requesting that some of the cash-in-lieu be allocated to developing the Pathway system incorporating the Poets’ Pathway. However, the Committee failed to consider the proposal. A possibility remained that Council would include the proposal; this would have to be supported by the Ward Councillor.
E. Dreessen will pursue possibilities to lobby Council for an allocation for the Poets’ Pathway.
(b) 5309 Bank Street:
E. Dreessen reported that both the Alliance’s Official Plan and Zoning appeal as well as the quarry licence application are now before the OMB. Efforts are under way to obtain copies of certain critical reports.
(c) Leitrim:
Albert Dugal has asked concerned groups such as the Alliance to support his request for an Individual Provincial Environmental Assessment for the new stormwater management system for the Leitrim Community.
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and D. McCree seconded that a letter be written to the Minister of the Environment supporting A. Dugal’s request. Carried.
E. Dreessen will draft a letter to the MOE.
(d) KNL Appeal:
A final decision from the OMB is still pending.
(e) Country Lot Estates Appeal:
The Alliance is in ongoing negotiations with the City regarding its appeal dealing with country lot estates. The planner responsible for the appeal wants to meet with the Alliance at the start of the new year. It was agreed that the Alliance suggest that a meeting be held with all the interested parties to the appeal present. The Appeal Committee will pursue this.
(f) NCC Pathway Network Strategic Plan:
E. Dreessen had prepared and presented a critique of the NCC plan.
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and A. Kempster seconded to authorize E. Dreessen to prepare a draft letter on behalf of the Alliance with comments on the NCC plan. Carried.
E. Dreessen to prepare a draft letter.
(g) Carp River Flood Plain:
(i) Motion: Kempster moved and C. Gudz seconded to drop the Alliance’s appeal (re-zoning of Broughton lands) if City Council decides to leave the current zoning of 5500 Kanata Ave. as “hazard lands.” Carried.
(ii) A press release and conference are being prepared to raise the public’s awareness of the detrimental effects of the City’s current plan to restore the Carp river flood plain.
A Committee is monitoring the situation and will prepare the appropriate response.
(h) City Draft Budget:
The Budget Committee had commented by written submission on the City’s draft budget for 2006. Of major concern was the protection of the funds already budgeted for the acquisition of environmentally significant lands and other environmental projects and activities.
(i) Alliance Funding Activities:
It was suggested that the Alliance participate in the Rare and Unusual Plant sale that takes place in early May to raise funds.
Motion: A. Kempster moved and C. Gudz seconded to form a Committee headed by J. Seline to organize the Alliance ‘s participation in the sale and explore other fundraising activities. Carried.
8. New Business:
(a) Provincial Bill 51:
The Province has introduced Bill 51 which governs the OMB. The Bill needs to be reviewed in detail to ascertain its import for the Alliance and its activities.
9. Adjournment:
Motion: D. McCree moved and A. Kempster seconded to adjourn the meeting. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.