Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, John Almstedt
Guests: Jade Monahan, Jake Harris
Regrets: Jason Kania, J.P. Unger, Yasmine Belharakat, Lauriane Long-Raymond, Amanda Allnutt, David McNicoll
The meeting commenced at: 7:20pm
- Adoption of the agenda
A modified agenda was agreed upon. It was acknowledged that no quorum was formed but that we would proceed with the agenda with no motions made or decisions taken.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the June 25, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Paul will circulate a revised version of the minutes. It was noted that the action items on the development applications for Wesley Clover Park, 3930 Riverside Drive and 2175 Prince of Wales were completed.
b. Membership/Board report
Another membership renewal was received in the past month, a member renewed at the meeting and a new member applied. As regards Board membership, Jade Monaghan is attending the meeting as a prospective new director.
c. Treasurer’s report
Paul reported on the receipt of membership dues during the month.
d. Webmaster’s report
Nothing to report.
e. Volunteer report
Paul indicated that Volunteer Ottawa postings would be made for recording secretary and website assistance.
f. Geodata report
Nothing to report.
g. Association reports
Nothing to report.
h. Annual Report translation
Paul reported that the 2016-17 report was recently translated into French pro bono by an acquaintance. A brief discussion ensued on whether to have the 2017-18 report translated professionally or on a volunteer basis. A posting will be made to Volunteer Ottawa.