Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, Nicole Desroches, Adam Caldwell, David McNicoll
Regrets: J.P Unger, Jason Kania
The meeting commenced at: 7:20pm
- Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon. It was also agreed to bring forward items regarding the approval of the 2017 AGM report and the 2018 AGM draft report. A new item 3f was also added regarding Bill-69.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the September 24, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Erwin moved, seconded by David, to adopt the minutes of the September 24 meeting as presented. Erwin moved, seconded by Nicole, to approve the minutes of the 2017 AGM and the draft minutes of the 2018 AGM, subject to a few additional changes. Agreed.
b. Membership/Board report
The membership of Adam Caldwell was approved on a motion by Erwin, seconded by Nicole. Having stated his willingness to sit as a Board member and supplied summary of his qualifications, again on a motion by Erwin, seconded by Nicole, it was agreed to appoint him to a vacant director position on the Board. A number of membership renewals were received in the past month.
c. Treasurer’s report
Paul submitted receipts for the donation to Free the Falls in support of a Speakers Panel, approved at the last meeting ($200), and also for the GA’s annual filing under the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act ($20). Erwin moved, seconded by Nicole, to approve the re-imbursement to Paul for $220. Carried.
d. Webmaster’s report
Paul reported that GA member Van Nguyen has continued working on the changes to the website that we had previously discussed, some of which are now live on our website.
e. Volunteer report
Paul reported that new volunteer Gabriel Albarracin has agreed to work on our GIS project. He was identified through Volunteer Ottawa.
f. Geodata report
New volunteer Gabriel Albarracin has undertaken a review of all Urban Natural Areas identified in the 2006 Urban Natural Areas Environmental Evaluation Study against the greenspace mapping completed in Open Street Map Ottawa to identify any discrepancies.
g. Association reports
Erwin reported on EcoGala on October 11, the Wildlife Speakers Series event on October 24 and the Free the Falls Speakers panel on October 27. In this respect, he commented on the opportunity to renew our display board, having seen newer, more lightweight options being used by other exhibitors. It was agreed to explore options for replacing our current display panels.