Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Daniel Buckles, Jason Kania, J.P. Unger, Janice Seline
The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
Paul requested that item 4ai be added regarding the protection of the Goulbourn Provincially Significant Wetlands. Jason requested that an item be added to 2b concerning the annual renewal of our website service and Paul proposed adding an item to 2b concerning renewing our membership with Volunteer Ottawa. With these additions, the proposed agenda was agreed upon, moved by Daniel, seconded by Jason.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the January 20 2020 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Jason, seconded by Daniel. Carried.
b. Treasurer’s report
Paul introduced the reimbursement to Daniel of the $150 registration fee for Nature Canada’s conference on Natural Climate Solutions, which he attended on our behalf. Moved by Janice, seconded by Jason. Jason sought approval for proceeding with a $140 expense to renew our website services. Moved by Jason, seconded by Daniel, carried, as was the proposed $175 expense for renewing our membership with Volunteer Ottawa.
c. Membership report
Paul reported that 2019 membership renewals went well with many taking advantage of e-transfer to pay their dues. There was only one outstanding renewal at year end. Overall the membership numbers remained stable with a few departures and new members. The number of subscribers to the GA list has grown steadily, reaching 150 subscribers. It was agreed that the membership list should be circulated to all members.
Action: Paul to circulate the membership list to all members.
d. Association reports
i. The ONS greenspace project held Zoom meeting #5 on January 30. Paul had the opportunity to have an in depth discussion with the project leader and principal analyst and reported that considerable progress had been made. We are very close to having a fully functioning comprehensive spatial database of greenspace for Ottawa.
ii. Paul participated on a panel on Climate Action in Urban Spaces on February 8 as part of International Development week organized by University of Ottawa students. It was well attended and provided an opportunity to talk to students about greenspace protection issues in Ottawa, such as the expansion of the urban boundary.
iii. The GA is being included as a partner in a grant application to the Ottawa Community Foundation that is being prepared by Ecology Ottawa. Funding is requested to support People’s Official Plan activities throughout 2020 and into 2021. The GA would get funding similar to last year’s Youth Climate Ambassador program to continue the thought leadership and convening activities it has assumed in the POP process.