General Meeting – 18 October 2000

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of Meeting

October 18, 2000

Present: Erwin Dreessen, Barbara Barr, Albert Dugal, Bryan Hawley, Amy Kempster, Bill Royds.

Guests: Ali Jomaa, Judie Silver, Sheila Song

Regrets: Shelley Parlow, Mike Lascelles

Documents Circulated: Minutes of previous meeting September 14, 2000, proposed by-law amendments, brochures, map of Leitrim lands, draft questions (2) for mayoralty debate.


1. Approval of Agenda.

The following changes were made to the Agenda: Add 2 a) Update on Leitrim: 4 e) Questions for mayoralty debate: 5 a) Westridge Phase 3B: b) Clearview woods: 8 a) Sierra Club membership; 8 b) Notice of meetings to media: 8 c) Carp Hills: 8 d) Web site (It was decided that Bill and Bryan would form the committee re the web site.)

Barb moved and Bryan seconded that the revised agenda be accepted. Carried.

2. Approval of Minutes of September 14, 2000

Barb moved and Bill seconded that the minutes as corrected be approved. Carried

2a. a) Update on Leitrim.

Albert Dugal reported that the Friends of Leitrim have approached three experts; Dr. Michael, Dr. Clarke Topp and Mike Loewen (an expert on the Gloucester landfill). These experts have confirmed that the proposed barrier in the stormwater pond will not work and all the concerns expressed by the group have been validated. Albert suggested that a letter can now be sent to Min. Daliwal asking for a full public review, based on the uncertainty of the effects of the proposed project and to avoid reviewing the same material twice. Given that the Greenspace Alliance has not yet formally asked to participate in the screening, it was decided instead to write saying we would be happy to do so and asking for a copy of the Screening Report. (One member received a letter allowing full participation in the screening).

3. Business arising from the minutes

a) Mayoralty debate: now have 7 sponsors (Sierra Club-Ottawa Group) has come in.

b) Poets’ Pathway: Gnarowski has indicated support. Bill to approach Poets’ League.

c) Carleton woods: Shelley had drafted a letter and it was agreed that it could be sent with minor changes.

d) Bank Account: Treasurer will open the account at Ont. Savings Bank after AGM when signing officers will be known.

e) Web site: Bryan reported that three volunteers had been found, who were attending the meeting. Still need to find web content editor. It was agreed that the chair should approve items from the Alliance which would be posted and the process to be used to vet other items.

f) Brochure: Paper and copying have been donated so no cost. About 250 copies have been printed. French version is being prepared.

g) AGM: Secretary has put out call for members for nominating committee and for members of the executive. Billington has been arranged as speaker.

h) Leamy Lake: Erwin got a number of documents re this issue but many are not available. Need to request Access to Information.

4. AGM of Nov. 15

a) Nominations. Amy reported that so far Erwin, Barb, Amy, Bill, Bryan and Mike had all agreed to stand.

b) By-law Amendments: Erwin passed around his proposed amendments. It was suggested and agreed that asking for a member’s or a director’s resignation should require two weeks notice, so the draft will be amended to include that provision. This requires that as well as the two proposed amendments (to Article IV, section 6 b) and Article VIII, clause 5, Article III section 5 will also need amending. There was, in connection with the question of quorum, some discussion on whether persons who are members and also represent a group could have two votes but it was decided to consider that they would have only one. Bryan proposed and Bill seconded that the meeting recommend the three by-law amendments to the AGM. Carried.

c) Other arrangements: Amy and Barb will bring fruit juices and or fruit. The Minutes of the last AGM will be part of the Agenda. As well an annual report will be prepared.

d) Promotion at Nov. 2 mayoralty debate. An insert re our AGM will be put in brochures using if possible light green paper. Barb and Bill to hand these out.

e) Questions for mayoralty debate. Two of the drafts for questions were given out. It was suggested that the second paragraph in the greenspace proposed question be omitted for brevity’s sake.


a) 3170 Conroy Road. This concerns the marsh next to Turtlehead Nature Area. May come up at Oct 31 Planning Committee meeting. Amy agreed to present GACC’s position if it does come up then, using previous submission.

b) Westridge Phase 3B. Regional Planning Committee approved supporting Goulbourn at OMB. The OMB pre-hearing is Oct. 27.

c) Clearview woods: Barb will present (if necessary) to Planning Committee on Oct. 31 This may be good news.

6. Transition to the new city

a) Environmental Advisory Committee Proposal. Erwin noted that he had sent a comment on the terms of reference of the proposed environmental advisory committee and had received a positive reply which was e-mailed to all. Included were lists of community and environmental organisations, as well as a compilation of fee-for-service contracts and grants of all 11 municipalities and the region.

b) Public consultation strategy: Erwin noted that the material supplied to him by Amy called for this to be worked by 1/2 person for 5 months, which seemed short shrift.

c) Other: Amy mentioned the voluntary sector workshop she had attended where it was stated that an advisory committee re the sector would be part of the new city structure. She said some attendees had some fear that further downloading might put pressure on this sector and care would be needed to prevent such problems.

7. Sensitivity Training for developers: In view of the sale of the Heron-Walkley lands it seems such training is needed. To address the sale matter, Bryan will draft a letter to Min. Manley and circulate it by e-mail and Erwin will call Licari.

8. Other business:

a) Sierra Club membership. The meeting was in favour of a reciprocal membership arrangement if this could be arranged but felt the cost ($50.00) precluded a decision at this time.

b) Notice of meetings to media. This was discussed and Barb will follow up for at least meetings with speakers.

c) Carp Hills: The fact that growth may endanger this natural area was noted.

d) Web site: The question of content was discussed and it was agreed that final submissions to the various bodies such as the NCC and the city will be placed on the site.















Erwin to write re screening





Bill to approach Poets’


Erwin to send letter re

Carleton woods

Treasurer to open

account later in Nov.

Chair to approve web

site items from Alliance

Erwin to review French

version of brochure

when ready.

Erwin to request

documents re Leamy Lake

through Access to

Information Process

Amy to check with Sol if

he wishes to become a



Erwin to arrange posting

of suggested amendments.


fruit & juice-Amy & Barb.

Barb or Amy to provide

1999 AGM minutes.

Members to remind Erwin

of any item covered in last


Barb and Bill will hand

brochure out at debate.

Debate committee to

finalise questions

Amy to present

Greenspace’s position if

item on Planning Comm.’s

Oct .31 Agenda

Barb may attend Oct. 27

OMB pre-hearing


Barb to present

Greenspace’s position if

item on Planning Comm.’s

Oct .31 Agenda







Bryan to e-mail draft letter

to Manley. Erwin to call




Barb to arrange media

notice for AGM & at

least meetings with


Bryan and Bill to work

with volunteers on web


Policy Instruments


    Threats and Opportunities
