General Meeting – 17 April 2002

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Meeting of April 17, 2002

7:30 p.m., Honeywell Room,  City Hall


Attending: Barbara Barr, Mary Hegan, Amy Kempster, Arthur Matheson, Bill Royds

Guest: Mike McLennan

Regrets: Erwin Dreessen, Albert Dugal,  Divya Ramen, Juan Unger

Documents available: Proposed Agenda

The mail file was circulated.


  1. Approval of Agenda. After items 8. Rideau River Roundtable, Action Item 5. Run/Walk and under 15. Alfred Bog were added, Barbara Barr moved and Amy Kempster  seconded that the revised Agenda be approved.  Carried.
  2. Approval of Minutes of March 13,2002. Barbara moved and Arthur seconded that the minutes be approved.  Carried.
  3. Business arising out of Minutes.  Mention was made of the Scott Street woods (Freiman woodlot) and the fact that a NOSS type evaluation had been done. It was suggested that it would be helpful if the NOSS evaluations could be posted on the web site.  Amy moved and Barb seconded that a request be forwarded to the city to post NOSS type evaluations.  Carried. ACTION: Bill to draft letter to be sent re NOSS information to be posted on web site.
  4. Treasurer and membership report. Two new applications for membership have been received. (Gordon Moore and Friends of the Jock River) . These were accepted.
  5. Report on Environmental Advisory Committee Workshop.  There was general agreement that this was a useful exercise and that we would discuss the report of the Committee when available.
  6. Report on National Capital Wildlife Festival Award and Carlingwood display. Acting chair Bill Royds said we were honoured by the reward.  It was reported that we needed a bigger sign for situations such as Carlingwood.
  7. Bill Royds passed around some copies of slides and indicated he was ready for the NCC Presentation on May 2.
  8. Bill indicated that the Rideau River Round Table had asked for a presentation on the poets’ pathway.

Action Items:

  1. Poets’ Pathway-review of draft presentation. The need to reduce this to keep to five minutes resulted in suggestions for deletions of slides by those present.
  2. Fernbank Wetland in Stittsville. Barb offered to write the letter re this. ACTION: Barb to write to Councillors.
  3. Kanata Natural Environment Woodlot destruction. It was moved by Arthur and seconded by Barb that a letter be sent re this to Munter with copies to the Environmental Advisory Committee and the Forest Advisory Committee. The letter to deplore the cutting and suggesting we need a strong tree-cutting by-law and protection for natural areas. ACTION: Amy to write draft letter.
  4. Moffatt Farm (OMB hearing). It was agreed that the Greenspace Alliance would make a presentation if there was a public evening. ACTION:Amy to follow this up.
  5. Run/walk for clean air. Members were reminded that this was coming up on June 2 and that assistance would be needed.

Updates/Brief Reports:

  1. Home depot- There were some problems with the staff report but it did recognize and approve the path.
  2. Leamy Lake- Help needed to go through documents.
  3. Leitrim Wetland- Council voted against delay.  Barb will write objection to zoning and send it for comments.  Amy moved and Barb seconded to request undelegation of authority for the subdivision plan.
  4. Other items: Alfred Bog- Bill noted that the Nature Conservancy of Canada, along with federal and provincial governments, is buying a very important tract (3,200 acres) of land in the bog. The Nature Conservancy share is $820,000. Local fundraising to help will be required. The Ottawa Field-Naturalists are attempting to raise $20,000 of that total.

Mail File:

NCC letter about meeting on May 2.

Letter from United Way about Community Builder awards.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities – Green Municipal Funds brochure.

Notice about Site Plan Approval of 2016-2056 Bank Street (Findlay Creek Village).

Newspaper articles about Kanata Tree Massacre.

Letters to Editor about Findlay Creek Village (Leitrim Wetlands).

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