Minutes of meeting Sept. 16 / 98
The meeting was held at Ottawa City Hall, 111 Sussex Drive. S. Parlow chaired the meeting and A. Kempster took minutes.
Present: Shelley Parlow, Sol Shuster, Bill Royds, Amy Kempster
1.Approval of Agenda . After Ottawa’s zoning by-law was added to the Agenda under new business, A. Kempster moved and Sol Shuster seconded approval of the Agenda. Carried.
2.Minutes of previous meeting were not available.
3.Announcements/updates :
- A workshop is being held on Sep.19 Re: environmental projects for the millennium;
- Update on the Hunt Club neighbourhood plan and its relevance for the Southern Corridor;
- Shelley Parlow met with David Miller Re: land trust proposal by RMOC;
- Sol Shuster announced a meeting in Crystal Bay Re: Nepean’s plans for the old schoolhouse lands near Nortel;
- Bill Royds noted that his proposal Re: the Southern Corridor will go forward to the Historical Sites and Monuments Board in the spring of 1999.
4.Committee Reports: There were no committee reports except to note that speakers for upcoming meetings were being Mark Denhez is being approached for a November date and it was agreed that Cathy Niheu (Wild Bird Centre) would be approached for a later date.
5.Main Business
a) By-laws: Moved by Sol Shuster and seconded by Bill Royds to approve these in principle subject to ratification at a future meeting. Carried.
b) NCC Plan for Canada’s Capital: It was felt that our input should note our interest in preserving greenspace and that we regret the disposal of such lands. A detailed set of comments had been prepared by A. Kempster and was circulated. Members were invited to make further comments in writing to Shelley Parlow for inclusion in the GA submission.
6.New business: Ottawa’s zoning by-law. Moved by Amy Kempster and seconded by Bill Royds to send a letter to the Region Re: our interest in their Greenspace appeal and to the city to indicate our interest in several other appeals such as the Montfort woods. Carried.
7. Next Meeting. Oct. 13 (Tue) Billings Room, RMOC.