Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of April 19, 2000 meeting
Present :
Shelley Parlow, Barbara Barr, Pierre Gauthier, Mayo Gauthier Barb Buckland, Yann Koci, Amy Kempster, Bill Royds, Barry F. George, Jonas Weselake-George, Bryan Hawley
Guest Speaker: Nancy Doubleday
Documents circulated: 1) Minutes of previous meeting, 2) Questions from Transition Board team re political structure, 3) Copy of letter to Transition Board from Ottawa Environmental Advisory Committee, 4) (provided by Nancy Doubleday:) “Wildlife in Ottawa-Carleton: Planning for Wildlife Management and Protection Throughout our Communities.”
After introductions of those present Chair Shelley Parlow introduced the guest speaker, Nancy Doubleday.
1. Guest Speaker
Professor Doubleday spoke of the ongoing research on the question of Protecting Urban Wildlife. She noted that her students did research in the community on the topic of working with nature in the urban environment. During the question period the protection of the Carleton woodlot came up and it was suggested that members write the President or the Alumni newsletter on that issue. There ensued a general discussion on how to influence government and the use of mediation in the case of conflicts.
2. Approval of Agenda.
Chair Parlow suggested the following items be added: Under 4. Transition Board questions; under 7. Kitchissippi Foundation/Greenmap; under 6. Vicinities. Delete under 6. 1454 Clementine. Amend the reference under 6. to read City Environmental Advisory Committee. The urgent items other than approval of previous minutes were identified as the added items plus 6.3) Orleans Quarry Forest; 7.1 NCC Core Area Concept Plan; City of Ottawa OP/Zoning By-law Amendment; Membership.
3. Approval of March minutes. Barb moved and Bryan seconded that the minutes be approved subject to corrections of typos. Carried.
4. (Original Item 6.3) Orleans/Quarry Forest. Barb Buckland reported on the rally and progress re saving these woods. They got fairly good media coverage and Regional Councillor Kreling was asked to comment. She noted that the community was also considering the possibility of a class action suit, because of the effects on the property values of their homes. They want the city to cooperate in helping to purchase the woods. She suggested that Greenspace Alliance write the city in support of this action. Bill moved and Barb seconded that Greenspace Alliance write a letter to the Mayor and Councillors of Gloucester in support of preservation of the forest. Carried. Individual members are urged to write as well. She also announced that the Gloucester Environmental Advisory Committee was having a pesticides workshop on Saturday, Apr. 29.
5. (Original Item 4.1) Transition Board Team’s questions. Attention was drawn to these questions and the short time allowed to answer them. Amy recommended that individuals pick them up and attempt to answer them. Bill moved and Bryan seconded that we write in support of an Environmental Advisory Committee or Committees being set up for the new city with powers analogous to those of Local Architectural Advisory Committees. Carried. Bill to draft. Amy moved and Bryan seconded that we write that councillors salaries be sufficient to support full-time councillors. Carried. Amy to draft.
6. (Original Item 7.1) NCC Core Area Concept Plan. Barbara moved and Bill seconded that we submit comments on the plan and the environmental assessment of it with copies to NCC Commissioners in the National Capital Carried. Barb, Shelley and Bill to draft. Comments will emphasize environmental concerns with natural areas on the islands and escarpment.
7. (Original Item 5.1) City of Ottawa OP/Zoning By-Law Amendment. Barbara agreed to make an oral presentation in line with our submission.
8. (Original Item 5.3). Membership. Barb moved and Amy seconded that we accept the following 4 new members: Corey Peabody, Barry George, Jonas Weselake-George and Barbara Buckland. Carried. She reported that we now had 18 individual members and 7 group members. Barb Buckland moved and Bill seconded that we send a letter to the members of all the Environmental Advisory Committees inviting them to join the Greenspace Alliance. Carried.
9. (original Item 7. 4) Kitchisippi Foundation/Greenmap. It was noted that the Greenmap project was dormant for the moment and that the corporate body set up for it was thus without a project at the moment. This might provide a way to undertake certain projects if the directors of the Foundation agreed.
10. (original Item 6.6.) Vicinities. Bill noted that this internet site was now active and that any member could subscribe.
11. Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for June 21 due to absence during May of several members.