General Meeting – 23 July 2003

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of Meeting of July 23, 2003

Billings Room, City Hall


Attending: Lacey Phillips (minute taker), Barbara Barr (assistant minute taker), Svetlana Venetsky, Amy Kempster, Ryan James, Juan Pedro Unger, and Bill Royds (meeting chair)

Documents Available: Minutes of meeting June 23, 2003; “Requiem for a Wetland: Leitrim Wetlands gone forever?” brochure (Bill); “Mayor’s Walk for Volunteerism” pamphlet (J.P.); Southern Corridor Conceptual Master Plan Draft map (Ryan); “Headwaters Area of Sawmill Creek” info sheet; draft submission to planner for Plan of Subdivision for 2901 [sic; should be 2301] Lester Road (Barbara/Bill); draft submission for July 24th Planning and Development Committee, Agenda Item 24,Ontario Municipal Board Appeal – Abbott Street, Stittsville – Subdivision and Zoning Amendment (Barbara)

Bill Royds called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. The mail file was circulated.

1. Approval of the Agenda

The agenda was amended to add Poets’ Pathway – Southern Corridor as 3a. The issues of West Ridge lllB, Heron/Walkley (1428 Heron Rd.), and 1475 Youville Dr. were added as 6a, b, and c, respectively. MOTION: Barbara moved acceptance of the agenda as amended. Carried by consensus.


2.  Approval of the Minutes of June 25, 2003

MOTION:  Barbara moved and Chris seconded the approval of the June 25, 2003 minutes.  Carried.

3.   Treasurer and Membership Report

MOTION:  Barbara moved the acceptance of the membership applications of Lacey Phillips and Angela Prokopiak. J.P. seconded. Carried.

J. P. reported that Volunteer Ottawa had sent both a notice and final notice, explaining that the Greenspace Alliance owes the organization money.

J.P. passed around flyers about the Mayor’s Walk for Volunteerism on Sept. 13th, which Volunteer Ottawa had sent.


Barbara to inquire about what payments are to be made.

3a.  Poets’ Pathway- Southern Corridor

Ryan discussed this project on behalf of the Poets’ Pathway Committee.  The path’s plan was recently updated. A map was passed around by Ryan.  Digital colour photos were given to J.P. Aerial photos of the area were discussed as well as the establishment of interpretive points in the Southern Corridor to establish a physical claim there and to raise public awareness.  The issue of vandalism at the interpretive points was also addressed and it was decided that if the kids somehow owned a piece of the project, they would be less likely to vandalize it.

John Manley, the MP for the area, will allow no Southern Steve Artelle and Corridor development as long as he is in power.  He should be updated on progress of the Pathway proposal.  Dalton McGuinty could be helpful.

The Committee still does not have a GPS (Global Positioning System).  Any plan requires approval from the NCC, and it will be necessary to meet again with the NCC after developing 2 or 3 designs.

Bill volunteered to loan $1000 of personal funds to allow the project to keep going. The Greenspace Alliance could donate $500. That brings the balance to $1500. Ryan noted that the Literary Society has charitable status. J.P. suggested fundraising for the issue and the contacting of two or three monument designers for the project.


Ryan to draft letters to John Manley and Dalton McGuinty.

J.P. to assist.

  1. Business Arising out of the Minutes

Major items arising from previous minutes are numbered 4a through 4f on this agenda. Others are briefly summarized below.

Barbara did not have time to deal with the Nov. 2002 minutes. Barbara to finalize changes to Nov. 2002 minutes.

Barbara did not have time to work on membership dues renewals. Barbara to continue to work on membership reminders and renewals.

Bill did not receive a response from the BUGS garden people.

Bill was unable to attend the July 3rd meeting of the Coalition for the Preservation of Gatineau Park due to a death in the family.  An article has been published in PEN (Peace and Environment News).

Amy referred the issue of development proposals at Innes and Mer Bleu Road to the FCA (Federation of Citizens’ Associations).

Bill did not have time to solicit opinions about the Gatineau Park Master Plan. Bill to solicit opinions by putting some possibilities before Greenspace membership.

Bill posted the names of sponsors and donors for the Greenspace Run/Walk on our website.

4a. South Gloucester – Proposed meeting between Bill Royds, R. W. Tomlinson and Frank Pope

Cynthia Levesque and David Miller of Environmental Management were on vacation, so Bill was unable to set up a meeting involving the City’s Environmental Management group, Frank Pope (representing the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club), Bill (representing the Greenspace Alliance), and R. W. Tomlinson (the quarry operator who purchased the conservation-quality land at 5309 Bank St. in South Gloucester).

Bill to continue work on setting up a meeting.

4b. Incorporation – Status Report by Chris Szpak

Chris e-mailed a “Final Draft of revised By-laws” to Board members on July 22nd. Most Board members had not yet had time to read it carefully, if at all. Bill pointed out that there was some repetition, and Barbara disagreed with the altered definition of “greenspace.”   It was decided that Board members would email comments and suggestions to Chris before the next meeting. Amy noted that the Sustainability Network Newsletter has an example of model by-laws for charitable organizations.

Board members to send by-law comments to Chris by Aug. 15th. Chris to prepare new draft for August meeting. Bill to place by-laws ”first” on August agenda.

4c.  Leitrim Wetlands Status Report

Barbara passed around a copy of the Greenspace Alliance’s 16-page submission (plus enclosures) to Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) about the Environmental Assessment Screening Report. It has been posted (without enclosures) on our website. Bill provided copies of the brochure that had been produced by the Friends of the Leitrim Wetland.  It was not mailed out due to lack of time. Barbara distributed the brochure to residences on Quinn St. (neighbourhood closest to landfill and development, off Albion Rd.) Petitions with approximately 3500 signatures were delivered by the Friends to DFO’s headquarters in Ottawa and copies to the Prescott office. The Friends estimate 100 to 200 e-mails and letters have been sent to DFO.

The ad in the Citizen urging people to call the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans cost approximately $2000, with an additional $500 for design costs.

MOTION: J.P. moved for the Greenspace Alliance to contribute $300 to the cost of the ad and brochure, if the help is needed and Barbara seconded the motion. Carried.


4d. Selling Flowers for Tulip Festival

September 1st is the deadline to order tulips, and Bill bought some tulips from Amy.



4e.  2301 Lester Rd.

Barbara had prepared a draft for Bill on June 30, 2003 but, in the wake of his Mother’s death, he was delayed in reviewing it.  Bill circulated the draft at the meeting.

Comments about the Sawmill Creek Watershed Study still need to be added.


Bill to complete submission, send to Board for comment by Friday, and then submit it to planner.

4f.  Photo Contest and Newsletter

J.P. reported that he aimed to get the photo contest going by next month and the newsletter out by September.

J.P. plans to send updates via email.

Bill to give J.P. automated system for subscribers (carried forward from previous minutes}.

New Business

5. Renewal of Greenspace Alliance

The fall was discussed with regards to expansion of membership and higher meeting attendances.   Amy suggested guided field trips of actual projects, such as Leitrim, to attract and interest people.  An AGM is in the works for October 22, 2003.  Cynthia Levesque was suggested as a possible speaker.




J.P. to draft e-mail about greenspace walks and canvass for guides.

6. Further development proposal in Leitrim by Remer

Barbara reported that the City has circulated a Plan of Subdivision for the Remer property at Leitrim for comment. Many of the issues involved will be identical to those for the Tartan property at Leitrim. Amy suggested seeking redefinition of the wetland boundary, seeking a review of the O.M.B. decision, and forcing Councillor Diane Deans to hold a public meeting on the matter. J.P. suggested a press release. Svetlana volunteered to assist with Remer. Additional volunteers would be welcome. J.P. brought up topic of approaching the U. of Ottawa pro bono team to examine the possibility of legal action in the case of mistaken wetland boundaries and re- defined boundaries.


Barbara to draft submission and e-mail to List for comment.


Barbara to e-mail List to request volunteers.


Barbara to copy documents for Svetlana.

6a. West Ridge IIIB

Barbara had drafted a submission, which she distributed at the meeting, and volunteered to represent the Greenspace Alliance at Planning and Development Committee on July 24th to support the position taken by the Goulbourn Wetlands Group against development of the Upper Poole Creek Wetland. Barbara will be unable to attend the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing on the matter on Sept. 15th. Amy volunteered to go.

Barbara to make presentation to Planning  Committee on July 24th.

Amy to attend OMB pre-hearing on Sept. 15th.




6b. Heron/Walkley (1428 Heron Rd.)

Erwin prepared a draft submission concerning opposition to the staff recommendation to locate a stormwater pond in a City-owned ES (Environmentally Sensitive) zone behind the Jim Durrell Arena on Walkley Road. Board members agreed that the draft needed revision.

Proposed solutions are that the Exception to the ES zone should be restricted to just the area of the stormwater pond, or that an L (Leisure) zone should be created for the pond.


Barbara to revise submission and make presentation at  Planning  Committee on July 24th.





6c. 1475 Youville Dr.

J.P. had inspected the site and presented photos which he had taken. An adjacent car dealership has been using the property in an improper manner. He noted that this was the last natural spot in a commercial area. A well- designed site plan would preserve a group of trees.


Amy to notify planner to send site plan.

7. Kanata Special Study Area

The first workshop meeting is scheduled for July 29th. Chris Busby will be Amy’s assistant and back-up. The size of the study area is in question.  Information on the issue can be found on Ron Tolmie’s website.


Amy to attend meeting.

8. Updates/Brief Reports

Bill called attention to two notices:  Ontario Land Trust Alliance meeting in King City, Nov. 21-23; and the City’s Rideau River Collector Environment Study is starting.

9. Adjournment

Motion: Amy moved and Juan Pedro seconded that the meeting be adjourned.  Carried.  Adjournment time was 9:55 p.m.  Date and place of the next meeting have not yet been finalized.



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