General Meeting – 23 June 2004

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of meeting of June 23, 2004

Billings Room, Ottawa City Hall

Members attending: Amy Kempster (acting chair), Barbara Barr (minute-taker), Janice Seline

Regrets: Bill Royds, Chris Szpak, Juan Pedro Unger

Documents available: Minutes of meeting of May 26, 2004; Submission, dated June 22, 2004, of Greenspace Alliance concerning zoning for 710 and 714 Carson’s Road.


1. Agenda

The proposed agenda was amended by adding Membership Report as item 2a, by deleting Leitrim as item 4r and replacing it with 8480 Ashton Station Road, by adding Disposal of Surpus lands as item 4f, by deleting New Estate Lot Developments as item 5a and by replacing it with 710 and 71 Carson’s Grove Road, by moving Adjournment to item 7, and by adding Administrative Matters as item 6.

2. Minutes of last meeting

Motion: Barbara moved and Janice seconded approval of the Minutes of the meeting of May 26, 2004. Carried.

2a. Membership Report

Janice moved and Barnbara seconded that the Greenspace Alliance accept the membership applications of Daphne McCree and Sean Stewart. Carried.

The proposed membership exchange with the Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa continues to be deferred. Deferred to next meeting.

3. Business arising from the Minutes

Treasurer’s Report: Carried forward from February meeting: Barbara to follow up on invoice from Ottawa U. Carried forward from May meeting: Bill to request invoice from City of Ottawa for meeting rooms for May and June.

Official Plan Appeal process: Amy drafted wording for section 2.4.5. Also see item 4a of this meeting’s Agenda.

Run/Walk for Clean Air: Amy reported that there were more participants this year and that people had a good time. Costs were greater this year because of the entertainment. The amount of money generated is not yet known. Amy is delivering thank-you letters to donors. The names of sponsors and donors of prizes should be posted on the website. The list of names is not yet finalized.

5309 Bank Street: See item 4b of this meeting’s Agenda.

Development Charges: Erwin drafted and circulated comments about the 2004 Development Charges Background Studies. The finalized comments were submitted to the Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee, other Councillors, and staff on June 7th. When the staff report is issued, additional comments will need to be prepared.

Development Process On Time Review: Amy and Barbara met with Peggy Schenk on June 3rd and discussed the concerns of the Greenspace Alliance.

Kanata KNL Lands: See item 4c of this meeting’s Agenda.

1179 Dozois Road: At tonight’s meeting Barbara provided Janice with a copy of the Environmental Impact Statement for 1179 Dozois Road and a copy of the draft “Environmental Impact Statement Guideline” used by the former Region.

Board of Directors Membership: Svetlana Venetsky has not been attending Board meetings, probably due to work commitments.

[various action items brought forward]

4. Updates/Reports

a) Official Plan Appeals

The Ontario Municipal Board’s pre-hearing of the appeals of the City’s Official Plan began yesterday, June 22nd. Erwin and Amy represented the Greenspace Alliance. They registered the Greenspace Alliance, provided copies of our incorporation papers, and indicated those appeals of others in which we have an interest, such as appeals affecting the Urban Boundary. This aspect of the pre-hearing resumes on June 25th. Erwin may not be able to attend that day. We probably are not yet signed up as a Party to all the appeals in which we have an interest. Amy has copies of all the appeals and is reviewing some of them.

Amy to provide a list of the appeals of interest. Barbara to attend the pre-hearing on June 25th to indicate appeals of interest.

b) 5309 Bank Street

Bill drafted and circulated a submission opposing the application for a quarry licence. Barbara hand-delivered the submission to the Ministry of Natural Resources offices in Kemptville and a copy to Tomlinson. We have not yet submitted comment to the City opposing the proposed Official Plan Amendment to amend the designation of the property from General Rural Area and Rural Natural Features to Limestone Resource Area. Also we do not yet know whether any aspect of the Public Lands Act may apply to the fact that trees were demolished after the owner had agreed not to do so as part of the purchase agreement with the City. Barbara reported that Tomlinson had hired a new consultant to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement. Albert Dugal accompanied this consultant on a field trip of the site. American Ginseng, an endangered species which grows on the site, was not seen on that trip. It is a late-growing plant, and another visit to the site will be made in July.

Barbara to follow up with Bill regarding these two items.

c) KNL development (Kanata)

Amy reported that events have not gone as well as many in the local community wanted. Not enough land north of the Beaver Pond will be saved as part of the 40% of land spared from development. There could be opportunities upon appeal for a better outcome. A Hydro corridor has been included in the 40%, for example. It seems likely that someone in the local community will appeal. Amy suggested that the Greenspace Alliance might want to appeal if the local community appeals.

d) Various Estate Lot Developments

Barbara commented that re-zonings to accommodate estate lot developments continue to go to Planning and Environment Committee without Plans of Subdivision accompanying them (those Plans are approved by staff, under delegated authority) and with inadequate Environmental Impact Statements when EISs are required. Objecting at Planning Committee is having little effect on preventing development of these lots in Rural Natural Features. The discussion centred around the need for the Greenspace Alliance to get involved earlier in the process. Perhaps we should request to be sent the same ones that are sent to the Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee. Any request should specify Rural Natural Features, Urban Natural Features, Major Open Space, and Environmental Areas A and B.

Amy to contact City regarding “heads-up” notification.

e) 8480 Ashton Station Road

Barbara reported that she had participated, as an individual, today, June 23rd, at an OMB hearing on a motion to dismiss Ken McRae’s appeal of the zoning of the wetland area of 8480 Ashton Station Road, site of a proposed golf course. The motion hearing was brought by the owner of the property and was supported by the City. Ken’s intention is to employ a qualified wetland evaluator to evaluate the connection that exists between the nearby Provincially Significant Manion Corners Long Swamp and the locally significant wetland area on 8480 Ashton Station Road, which is part of a very large locally significant wetland area across Ashton Station Road, outside the City Limits of Ottawa. Ken hopes that an evaluation can be made, proving all the wetlands are Provincially Significant, even though the owner of the property where the connection exists has denied access. Barbara suggested that the Greenspace Alliance may want to help Ken with the costs of hiring an evaluator. No action was taken.

Matter of contributing to cost of evaluator to be considered after outcome of the motion hearing is known.

f) Disposal of Surplus Lands

On June 15th, Barbara represented the Greenspace Alliance at Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee to present the Alliance’s submission about the staff report on “Surplus Real Estate Disposal Program — 2001-2003”. She e-mailed a report to the membership on June 21st. The submission concerned the lack of emphasis in the staff report on the retention of surplus properties as ameans to achieve the City’s greenspace objectives. Much emphasis was placed upon last year’s sale by the City of 5309 Bank Street.

5. New Business

a) 710 and 714 Carson’s Road

Barbara reported that on June 22nd she had submitted a brief hand-written comment to Planning and Environment Committee on behalf of the Greenspace Alliance concerning the zoning of 710 and 714 Carson’s Road. The essence of the comment was to reiterate our ongoing position that applications not be deemed complete until after required reports, such as Environmental Impact Statements, have been submitted.  On the 22nd, Planning Committee deferred consideration of the item until August in order to give Ward Councillor Jacques Legendre additional time to try to work out a deal to accommodate parking on a nearby property, thus freeing up on–site space in front of the proposed affordable rental housing units for a grassed amenity area.

The submitted comment was approved by consensus.

b) Provincial Planning Changes July 12 Opportunity

On July 12th, from 6:30 to 9:00p.m., the provincial Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH) is holding a public meeting concerning changes to the Planning Act, the Provincial Policy Statement, and the Ontario Municipal Board.  During the day, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., an invitation-only workshop of stakeholders will take place.  The Greenspace Alliance was not invited to the workshop but could request to be invited.  Amy volunteered to represent the Greenspace Alliance if we are invited to participate. Amy to contact MMAH regarding participation in workshop.

c) Widening of Queensway – Effect on Hampton Park Amy reported that a proposed widening of the Queensway could adversely affect Hampton Park and recommended that the Greenspace Alliance should object.

Amy to follow-up by getting documentation about the various options.

d) Other No items were discussed.

5. Administrative Matters

The need to find a less expensive meeting place than City Hall ($50.00 per meeting) continues. Amy volunteered to try to book the Champlain Park Field House (Cowley Ave. at Clearview ), for the next meeting, on some date other than the fourth Wednesday if the Wednesday date is not available.  There is no cost.

Chair Bill Royds will not be able to conduct meetings for an unknown period of time due to illness. Concern was expressed about maintenance of the List and the Website. It was pointed out that Juan Pedro had temporarily taken over List duties when Bill was on holiday.

Amy to notify membership of meeting date and location. Barbara to contact Bill regarding List maintenance.

7. Adjournment The meeting adjourned, by consensus, at 8:55 p.m.

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