Greenspace Alliance of Canada ‘s Capital
DRAFT Minutes of the Annual General Meeting of October 21, 2004
Honeywell Room, City Hall
Members: Bill Royds (meeting chair), Chris Szpak (secretary), Barbara Barr, Christopher Busby, Jackie Chow, Erwin Dreessen, Bill Grant, Amy Kempster, Daphne McCree, David McNicoll, Janice Seline, Ron Tolmie, J.P. Unger, Peter van Boeschoten
Guests: Gordana Bozic, Sanja Ristic
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.
1. Determination of Quorum
It was determined that at least 1/10 of the total membersip was present to establish a quorum as per Alliance by-laws.
2. Approval of the Agenda
Motion: A. Kempster moved and B. Barr seconded acceptance of the Agenda. Carried.
3. Chair’s Annual Report
The Chair tabled reports for the years 2003 and 2004.
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and A. Kempster seconded acceptance of the reports. Carried.
4. Adoption of the Minutes for 2003 AGM
5. Membership Report
The Membership Director, J. Seline reported that:
- the total number of paid members was 46;
- 15 new members in 2004;
- two new members were nominated: Waldman Michel & Bruce Story. Motion: J. Seline moved and B. Barr seconded to accept the new members. Carried.
6. Treasurer’s Report
B. Barr’s report is attached. Motion: B. Barr moved and A. Kempster seconded to accept the report.
7. Selection of an auditor
An auditor was not yet identified. A. Kempster was to contact a possible candidate. Motion: E. Dreessen moved and B. Barr seconded to defer the selection of the auditor to the general meeting to be held in November.
8. Election of Chair and Directors
a) No nominations were received for Chair. Motion: B. Barr moved and J. Seline seconded to close the nominations and appoint two acting chairs, B. Royds and C. Szpak. Carried. Vote: B. Royds and C. Szpak were unanimously acclaimed as co-chairs.
b) The present Board of Directors – B. Barr, A. Kempster, B. Royds, J. Seline, C. Szpak, and J.P. Unger – agreed to stand as Directors. R. Tolmie nominated Joanna Dean for Director. Motion: B. Barr moved and A. Kempster seconded to close the nominations and accept the new Board. Carried.
9. Bill Royds Honoured
The Greenspace Alliance expressed their appreciation to Bill Royds for his valuable contribution to the work of the Alliance in protecting green spaces in Ottawa.
10. Meeting Adjourned
Motion: A. Kempster moved and J. Seline seconded to adjourn the Annual General Meeting. Carried.