Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of Meeting of January 20, 2005
Champlain Park Field House
Members: Bill Royds (meeting chair), Chris Szpak (minute taker), Erwin Dreessen, Amy Kempster, Daphne McCree, Mik Svilans
Guest: John Corey, Cameron MacLean
Regrets: Janice Seline, J.P. Unger
Meeting was called to order at 8:50 p.m.
1. Adoption of the Agenda:
The following items were added:
Under Item 6 – Business Arising: (f) Wildlife Festival
Under Item 7 – Announcements: (d) ESC Planning Effects
Corrections: Item 6(c) “development” changed to “design”
Agenda was adopted as amended.
2. Presentation of the Auditor:
As a federally incorporated body, the Alliance’s membership is obligated to appoint an auditor. At the December meeting of the Alliance it was decided to engage John Corey of Watson Folkins Corey LLP to review the Alliance’s finances for the current fiscal year. Mr. Corey gave an overview of what was expected of the Alliance in reporting its finances. In order to have the financial report ready for the reviewer in time to report at the Annual General meeting in October, it is necessary to change the Alliance’s fiscal year.
Motion: A. Kempster moved, seconded by D. McCree, that the membership consider that the Alliance’s fiscal year should be from September 1 to August 31 of the following year. A final decision will be made at the next monthly meeting after 30 days of an official announcement of this change to the membership. Carried.
The Treasurer will be in touch with the Reviewer.
3. Membership Report:
Motion: A Kempster moved and C. Szpak seconded to accept the membership application of Paula Batson. Carried.
4. Treasurer’s Report
The Alliance has received a number of donations beyond the membership fees.
It was agreed that thank you notes be sent to the donors.
B. Royds will communicate the Alliance’s thanks.
B. Barr has resigned as treasurer.
Motion: D. McCree moved and M. Svilans seconded the appointment of A. Kempster as interim treasurer. Carried.
5. Approval of November and December Minutes:
Minutes of November 18, 2004:
– Item 6) New Business (c) Land Trust Meeting: action item should read “Erwin is planning a meeting to review the community’s efforts.”
– Item 6) (d) Pathways policy: last sentence of the action item should read “Report was posted on the list service.”
Motion: A Kempster moved and B. Royds seconded to approve the minutes as amended. Carried.
Minutes of December 16, 2004:
– Introductory note regarding a presentation given before the meeting by Anne Coffey on the greening of public schools.
– Add Item 6) (c) Wildlife Festival to take place in April 2005.
– starting with Item 5) Business arising: renumber the items from 6).
Motion: A. Kempster moved and D. McCree seconded to approve the minutes as amended. Carried.
6. Business Arising from the Minutes:
(a) Official Plan Appeal Status:
C. Szpak reported on an OMB pre-hearing conference that took place
December 7. It was agreed that all appeals dealing with the Kanata Special Study Area be amalgamated with appeals of the Official Plan Amendment No. 16 to be considered at an OMB pre-hearing conference on February 28, 2005. This pre-hearing will also consider NCC appeals.
The Alliance will also be at an OMB pre-hearing conference, scheduled for January 31, 2005, which will include the Alliance’s appeal of country lot estates among others.
(b) Kanata Special Study Area (SSA):
As mentioned in the item above, the SSA appeals will be covered at the February 28, 2005 OMB pre-hearing conference. A meeting with Councillor Cullen, who also has appealed, was held to see if there was a possibility of joining forces, but he was only prepared to support the Staff’s narrower objective to preserve the NEA designation for part of the SSA.
To prepare for the hearing a number of tasks need to be done:
– the Brunton environmental assessment report is to be investigated to see how it can support the Alliance ‘s appeal. B. Royds & C. MacLean will review the report.
– A planner needs to be found to provide “expert”evidence if the appeal goes to a hearing. Ian Cross with the City staff was mentioned as a possible candidate. A. Kempster will contact the planner.
(c) Leitrim Community Design Study
B. Royds voiced the view that Remer would be better off trading its subdivision development from its current proposed location by the wetlands to empty lands nearby that are not environmentally significant.
B. Royds to approach Remer regarding this possibility.
(d) Rideau Roundtable
Mary Hegan has agreed to be the Alliance’s liaison at the Rideau Roundtable.
(e) Good Forestry Practices By–law:
The approval of the Good Forestry Practices By-law by Council has been deferred to March. The Alliance will support, wherever appropriate, OFGAC (Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee) efforts to have this by-law adopted. It was not clear in the ensuing discussion what were the local concerns regarding the by-law.
A. Kempster will contact local people for their views.
(f) Wildlife Festival:
The Wildlife Festival will be held sometime in mid-April. Volunteers are needed to organize the Alliance ‘s participation and man a booth. J.P. Unger, the Alliance’s volunteer coordinator, will not be available during that time.
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and C. Szpak seconded that the Alliance participate in the upcoming Wildlife Festival. Carried.
J.P. Unger will prepare for our participation and identify a coordinator.
7. New Business
(a) Remer Subdivision
Already discussed under item 6(c).
(b) Richcraft / Aviation Parkway:
For Planning and Environment Committee on Tuesday February 8, 2005, there is an item about a settlement with Richcraft about its appeal of the Official Plan Greenspace provisions. Richcraft wants to weaken the sections requiring a Greenspace Master Plan before rezoning of Open Space occurs, especially for two parcels. One is at the corner of the Aviation Parkway and Ogilvie Road (street address 1298 Ogilvie Road) and the other is between Walter Baker Park and the Carp River in Kanata. The City’s proposal is to allow the rezoning of the Kanata site, but still hold the Gloucester site until after the Greenspace Master plan is enacted. The Alliance appeared before City Planning Committee in 2002 with respect to the Gloucester site and its arguments (by Barbara Barr) and much local opposition caused the Committee and Council to reject rezoning of the Open Space to Residential. The meeting therefore felt that the Alliance should continue to intervene in support of the Council’s original decision to reject the rezoning as proposed by Richcraft.
B. Royds will respond to PEC.
(c) Draft City Budget:
C. Szpak volunteered to head a subcommittee to prepare and present the Alliance’s submission regarding the City’s draft budget for 2005.
C. Szpak to prepare/submit comments.
(d) Planning Guidelines:
Ann Coffey has asked the Alliance among others to review draft questions with focus on the environmental aspects of planning that could be posed at workshops on community design plans and other like fora.
B. Royds will notify potentially interested contacts to help review the guidelines.
8. Reports/Notifications:
(a) Development Charges:
It was agreed that FCA would continue to take the lead in advocating for developers to pay the full cost of development. However, the Alliance will stay in the “loop” regarding developments in this matter and intervene when considered appropriate.
A. Kempster & E. Dreessen will continue to monitor development charges.
(b) Southern Corridor / Poets’ Pathway:
E. Dreessen is in touch with the two advisory committee chairs (OFGAC and the Environmental Advisory Committee) regarding the Southern Corridor issue. Councillor Maria McRae has formed a committee but to date refuses to include a Poets’ Park as an option. There needs to be a strong effort made to convince her otherwise and, as well, to continue promoting the Poets’ Pathway project with the NCC.
E. Dreessen to continue the campaign to “Save the Southern Corridor through Poetry.”
7. Meeting Adjournment:
Motion: C. Szpak moved, seconded by A. Kempster, to adjourn the meeting. Carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:30 p.m.