Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
March 17, 2005 Meeting
Champlain Park Field House – 7:30 pm
Draft Minutes
Chris Szpak (chair), Bill Royds (minute taker), Erwin Dreessen, Amy Kempster, Juan Pedro Unger, Daphne McCree, Bill Grant, Ken McRae, David McNicoll
1. Call to order – Adoption of the agenda
2. Approval of Minutes of January & February meetings
Correct spelling of Daphne McCree.
3. Membership / Treasurer’s report
4. Previous business
a) Greenspace Master Plan response: Bill Royds to ask Peter Campbell to head a committee for response.
b) Official Plan appeals: NCC date June 6, Urban Boundary April 15.
c) Kanata Special Study Area appeal: Report by Chris Szpak. Waiting for decision by Makuch re dismissal. Letter to Tim Marc by Amy Kempster.
d) KNL appeal & Plan of Subdivision appeal: Motion to appeal Plan of Subdivision M/S Bill Royds/Amy Kempster. Bill to write motion.
e) Leitrim (Aperdev development): M/S Bill/Amy to approve letter to planner subject to trvisions. Bill to write letter.
f) Update on the “Poets’ Pathway” campaign: Beechwood Cemetery support with monument at end of year. Proposed presentation to NCC. M/S Amy Kempsater/Daphne McCree that we participate.
g) Wildlife Festival: April 1-3 at Billings Bridge. M/S Amy/Bill that we allot $100 to expenses for Wildlife Festival.
5. New Business
a) Meeting with Ed Broadbent; Letter to MPs and follow-up: Propose press release when Broadbent agrees.
b) Presentation to the NCC for May:
c) Road through wetlands in Goulbourn: Ken McRae, March 23, 6:30 pm, Canadian Golf and Country Club.
d) Membership on new zoning by-law PAC: Nominate Daphne McCree as GA representative. M/S Amy/Erwin.
e) Greenbelt land changes: Gershon Rother. Leased to Orleans Golf Academy. Juan will ask for the engineering environmental report.
f) Earth Day participation: M/S Amy/Daphne.
g) New PPS:
h) Colonnade Road: Bill will comment.
i) Urban Lands study: March 29.
6. Adjournment.