Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of the Meeting of May 19, 2005
at Champlain Park Fieldhouse, Ottawa
Attending: Daphne McCree, Amy Kempster, Bill Royds, Erwin Dreessen, Juan Pedro Unger, Janice Seline, (recording secretary)
Chair: Bill Royds
1. Call to order: 7:45.
The agenda was amended as follows: Item 6 New Business was moved up to Item 5 in the order, and an item b) letter to Ed Broadbent, was added, as was an item c) U .N., an item d) Speaker for next month and an item e) Thanks to Barbara Barr. Previous Business became Item 6.
2. Approval of minutes of April meeting, approved with comments and minor corrections.
3. Membership and Treasurer’s report
Janice Seline reported that Michael Lynch, George Babbage, and the Carp Ridge Society have applied to be added as members. Moved to approve – Erwin Dreessen, seconded – Amy Kempster. Unanimous.
She also gave a report on the Run/Walk for Clean Air and asked for volunteers to help with registration, and the event itself.
Treasurer’s report – Amy Kempster had no report.
Bill Royds requested reimbursement for expenses related to requests for review of the Richardson lands. Moved – Amy Kempster, seconded Daphne McCree. Unanimous.
Juan Pedro Unger requested reimbursement for expenses related to the Wildlife Festival participation in the amount of $117. Moved – Amy Kempster, seconded – Daphne McCree. Unanimous.
4. Announcements
a) Amy Kempster announced that the Official Plan appeals have been settled, with the exception of areas concerned with country lot estates. Bill, Amy and Erwin are reviewing protocols for Environmental Impact Statements for a May 27 meeting with City With this, item 6c) was dealt with.
b) Kanata Special Study Area appeal has been withdrawn for lack of expert witnesses and the financial means to hire them. The discussion jumped to Item 6 a) at this point, to deal with previous business related to the KNL appeal, which will require similar expert testimony. It was proposed that Dan Brunton be contacted to see if he would testify on behalf of Greenspace’s appeal. Bill Royds said he would explore this – and would report back next meeting. It was proposed that the lawyer Mr. Pert, recommended by Nancy Smith, and the planner David Sherwood be similarly contacted. It was generally agreed that such expert testimony is required in this case, that the appeal be carefully prepared with the collaboration of Kanata groups. Amy Kempster proposed to organize a meeting dedicated to the appeal. The main question here is the make-up of the 40% of the land allocated to greenspace promised by Campeau, the developer. It should be assured that the best parts are saved.
c) Leitrim Community Design Plan – Bill Royds has submitted comments, particularly concerning Items 18 and 19 of the Planning and Environment Committee Agenda of May 24.
d) Poets’ Pathway – Erwin Dreessen proposed that an honorarium of $50 be sent to Tony Beck, with a thank you letter for leading the birding outing in Erwin volunteered a donation of $30, and Bill Royds offered a donation of $20 to cover the cost. Erwin will write the letter. Otherwise, a call for volunteers yielded no help, and this effort requires more support if it is to go ahead. It was suggested that the South end Unitarians might respond, and that staff at the Department of Canadian Heritage might be interested, also librarians and archivists, or bookstores. A letter from Ed Broadbent to Marcel Beaudry in support of the Poets’ Pathway was just received. Erwin Dreessen will write a reply.
e) Road through Goulbourn wetlands – Transportation Committee has met and Council approved the road.
5. New business:
a) Planning and Environment Committee Meeting – Tuesday, May 24.
The remainder of the meeting was dedicated to a strategy discussion for this fast approaching meeting. It was agreed to hold a separate meeting to prepare for it on Monday May 23.
6. Adjournment – the meeting adjourned at 11:00 pm, with the remainder of the agenda deferred to the next meeting due to the late hour. Moved by Erwin Dreessen. Unanimous.