Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
General Monthly Meeting of Thursday 15 January 2009
Champlain Park Field House, 149 Cowley Avenue, Ottawa
DRAFT Minutes
Started: 7:30 pm.
Members present: Cheryl Doran (Chair), Chris Szpak, Erwin Dreessen, Amy Kempster, Barry George, Mikelis Svilans (minute taker).
Regrets: None registered.
- Welcome and Introductions.
- Adoption of the Agenda:
Motion: Chris S. moved seconded by Amy K. to approve the Agenda as amended. Carried.
- Approval of the Minutes from 18 Dec. 2008
Motion: Erwin D. moved seconded by Amy K. to approve the minutes as amended of the 18 December 2008. Carried.
- Membership Report:
There was no report.
- Treasurer’s Report:
In the Treasurer’s absence, Amy K., gave a report on the current standing of Alliance’s finances.
Motion: It was moved and seconded that the now stale cheque for Daniel Green in the sum of $260 be re-issued. Carried.
- Business arising from Minutes of 18 Dec. 2008:
A) Leitrim Wetlands
Erwin D. reported that comments on the short-term application to MoE by Tartan to take water were filed the previous Tuesday and are posted on the web site at
Next actions:
i) Reply by end of next week to responses of Golder made to MoE and MNR. Comments are in order.
ii) Approaches to other authorities are being planned.
B) Development Charges Advisory Committee
Meeting was postponed to 26th January – Amy K. looking for back-up person. Bob Brocklebank attends these meetings, Linda McCormick also, but no other Alliance member.
C) Poet’s Pathway Grant Application
An application to the City was submitted the previous Monday.
D) Secondary Design Plan for Westboro
Amy K. has not yet determined whether there are any appeals.
- Discussion items
A) Chelsea opportunity
A Chelsea committee of residents is trying to buy property on east side of Hwy. 5 on Juniper Road. Amy K. asked why NCC is not buying it and whether Nature Conservancy has been contacted. She also wondered whether these lands are ecologically important.
B) Official Plan Review
City of Ottawa has recently issued 5 reports. Comments must be submitted by 29th January, as the OPA is to be adopted in February 2009. Amy K. proposed that the Alliance prepare a comment. The subcommittee will meet next Sunday. Amy will attend a presentation for CPAWS on the Official Plan review next Tuesday.
C) Corporate Services & Economic Development committee (20th Jan.)
The Chiarelli/Cullen motion is Agenda item #2. The Board of the Federation of Citizens’ Associations has agreed to support the motion. Erwin D. noted that there is no staff report, yet the public should have the right to see the staff position, why they oppose the motion. He suggested that he speak as cofounder and former chair. Cheryl D. will speak for the GA.
D) Next steps and committee review
The Minister to be urged to change zoning before March. The EMT designation should be included in the comments to the City of Ottawa.
Amy K. to submit comments on the OPA by 29th January regarding the wetland.
Mik S. to bring area map overlays to Bill Royds for checking.
8. New Business
a) Barry G. indicated that the EcoFair will take place at Billings Bridge in March. He will advance-pay the deposit of $25.
b) Erwin D. indicated he will present a report on website usage at the next meeting and invite Ron to attend.
c) Amy K. will forward information on a Forum of Environmental Matters, to be held on Saturday 29th Jan.
d) Erwin D. reported that Heather Hamilton’s second workshop on Redesigning Ottawa will be held at the Vanier Community Centre on 24th Jan. Anna Hertz (City of Ottawa) will make a presentation on the 100-Year Plan for Ottawa.
9. Adjournment:
Motion: Barry G. moved to adjourn the meeting. Carried.
Meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:15 pm.
Next meetings: February 19 and March 19.