General Meeting (FGA) – 18 June 2009

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Friends of the Greenspace Alliance

Minutes of the General Monthly Meeting of 18 June 2009

Was held at Cheryl’s due to new constraints at the Fieldhouse

Started: 7:40 pm.

Members present: Cheryl Doran (Chair), Chris Szpak (minute taker), Eric Cousineau, Erwin Dreessen, Barry George, Janice Seline, Mikelis Svilans.

  1. Welcome and Introductions.
  1. Adoption of the Agenda:

Motion: Chris S. moved and seconded by Mikelis S. to adopt the Agenda as amended. Carried. 

  1. Organization of the “Friends” (FoGA):


(a) Chris S. moved, seconded by Barry G., to accept Erwin D. and Eric C. as members of FoGA.  Carried.

(b) Janice S. moved, seconded by Chris S., to appoint the officers of the Greenspace Alliance to the same positions in FoGA.  Carried.

(c) Janice S. moved, seconded by Chris S., that Janice S. request of the Royal Bank of Canada that an account be opened for FoGA.  Carried.

(d) Janice S. moved, seconded by Eric C., that the following persons be designated as signing authorities for the FoGA account – Cheryl D., Barry G., Janice S.  Carried.


      • Erwin D. will amend the Alliance membership form for FoGA.
      • Chris S. will update the By-laws on the website.
      • Erwin D. will draft an announcement to invite current Alliance members to join FoGA.
      • Cheryl D. will check with Ron Rancourt about identifying those members not on the Greenspace mailing list.

4. Business Arising from the Greenspace Alliance general meeting of 21 May: 

a) Official Plan Review: Chris S. reported on the joint Alliance/FoGA submission to City Council on the OP amendment.  It was noted that Council made two decisions that favoured the Alliance/FoGA’s positions: 1) to put a moratorium for five years on country lot subdivision development in the rural area; and (2) to keep the expansion of the urban boundary to a minimum.

The Alliance/FoGA submission also expressed concern about the OP’s inadequate attention to species-at-risk.  Cheryl D. met with NCC officials to discuss this issue but their reaction was inconclusive.  It was suggested that a detailed brief for the NCC be prepared by knowledgeable experts regarding species-at-risk so as to prod the NCC to take more positive action in having these species protected.

b) Poets’ Pathway: a benefit concert will be given on June 17 at 7:30 pm at the National Archives.

c) Greenbelt Coalition: nothing to report.

d) Memorials: an appropriate gift in memory of Kathy Nihei was discussed.

e) Transplan 2009: Cheryl D. spoke to the Transportation Committee on May 27 to comment on the proposed park&ride near the airport where there may be possible leaching from the Gloucester landfill and the stormwater channel towards the bus stop and the Stormwater Management Pond.  Committee members approved the Park and Ride.

f) Interprovincial Bridge: nothing to report.

g) Leitrim: the ERT has, on jurisdictional grounds, rejected the Friends of Leitrim request to order an interim stay of the drawing of water while the Leave to Appeal application is under consideration.

h) Carp: Mikelis S. will prepare a report on development of the Carp Flood Plain.

5. Discussion Items: 

a) Website: Ron Rancourt is working on the new version of the website.  The problem of junk mail has been eliminated.

b) Chris’s Sabbatical: Chris S. will be away for the next number of months so his secretarial duties will need to be carried out by other members – to be decided.

Meeting was adjourned at 10:07 pm.

Next Meeting scheduled for 16 July 2009.

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