Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), David McNicoll, Erwin Dreessen, Iola Price, Jason Kania, Mary Hegan
The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon. Moved by Jason, seconded by Erwin. Carried.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the June 31, 2021 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Erwin, seconded by David. Carried.
b. Association reports:
Paul reported on the FCA annual retreat, an event at which the FCA Board roughly plans out its next year’s program and plans. A number of working groups and committees were set up. The Greenspace Alliance remains active within the FCA through Paul’s presence on their Board. Following their online discussion on June 23, the CAFES Tree Caucus produced and submitted a tree motion to City staff pointing out deficiencies in the protection framework for trees in the city. Paul presented a request from the Healthy Transportation Coalition to support a letter writing campaign in support of adopting the Healthy Streets concept in Ottawa’s Official Plan. Members agreed, with alterations to the proposed text to highlight the importance of trees for healthy streets.
Action: Paul to redraft the letter and send to Mayor and Council on behalf of the GA.
- Policy instruments
a. New Official Plan
POP held a workshop on July 26 2021 with a view to refining messages and generating support for our positions leading up to the Joint Meeting of Planning and ARAC, initially scheduled for September 13, 14 and 15 (subsequently deferred to October 14, partly as a result of a request from the FCA). Around 80 people participated. The workshop led to the crystallization of 8 key focus areas for the development of proposed changes and amendments to the revised draft of the Official Plan (by the time of workshop Sections 1 to 3 and 5 to 8 of the revised draft of the Official Plan had been released by the City).
A second POP initiative ahead of the JPARAC meeting is a survey of Councillors on the Official Plan. With the scope of the OP being so vast, it was agreed to focus the survey on a specific aspect, targets and metrics. This was seen as a fairly neutral, good governance topic, which could be of interest to a wider audience of councillors, but would yet give us a way of introducing climate and greenspace themes. After preliminary testing with two councilors, the questionnaire was finalized. It was agreed to give preference to conducting these interviews in person rather than in writing and to start with perceived swing councilors. The response has been good, with four councilors interviewed by the end of August and several more scheduled through September.
A media campaign has also been launched in parallel, with several op-eds prepared and published and a series of press releases planned.
b. Walkable Ottawa Infill Modelling Project
Paul reported that he has accepted a request from Walkable Ottawa to sit as a member of an advisory committee on the Infill Modelling project that they have undertaken. The model projects the type and level of intensification that can be achieved over the 25 year planning horizon of the Official Plan on the basis of ground oriented and low rise built form, incorporating impact on tree populations.
c. Climate Resiliency Strategy
The GA has been invited by the City to be part of a stakeholder group for the development of this strategy. Paul has attended an initial webinar and participated in an online survey on behalf of the GA.