New updated content: 2018-04-23 11:06:42
A Zoning Bylaw Amendment, which has been under the radar for more than a year, will be coming forward for consideration at Planning Committee. It seeks to add specific uses to the general rural (RU) and Environmental Protection (EP) zoning which covers these properties, which are the former municipal equestrian park and campgrounds on Corkstown Road, west of Moodie Drive. Since 2014, these facilities have been operated by the Wesley Clover Foundation. The specific additional uses in the RU zone, likely as exceptions specific to this location, would be theatre, recreational and athletic facility and park. For the EP zone, which already has an exception for the campground, the additional uses would be theatre, school and daycare. While some members expressed concern over any changes to the current zoning, others saw advantages to improved programming, in particular the nature school. The overriding question is one of scale. All of these activities are currently present on the site, but at a small scale. It was agreed to continue researching the issue.
Action: Paul will draft representations to the NCC and the City on the subject.
New updated content: 2018-05-28 11:50:12
Wesley Clover Parks has submitted an application to allow additional uses for the leased lands where the equestrian park and campground are located on Corkstown Road. We would not be opposed to the programming being proposed, including an expanded Forest School. However, we are concerned about the possible scale of construction in this area.
Action: Paul will draft a note to the NCC and the City.
New updated content: 2018-06-25 12:16:02
Wesley Clover Zoning Bylaw application
According to new information received from the developer, the Zoning application submitted seeks to add permitted uses to align with uses that are already occurring on the site, in accordance with their lease with the NCC. No new facilities or construction is currently planned, and none could be without NCC approval. We will contact all parties involved to validate that they share a common understanding of the application.
Action: Paul to write to the NCC, City planners and Wesley Clover
New updated content: 2018-09-24 14:18:31
Wesley Clover rezoning application, Planning Committee, September 25
Paul reported on the rezoning proposal brought forward by Wesley Clover Parks to add specific permitted uses to the EP zoning applied to the former municipal campground section and to the RU zoning applied to the equestrian park section of this property, situated on Corkstown Rd west of Moodie Drive, in the Greenbelt. These uses are already approved and operational on the property and this part of the application is more of a housekeeping change. However, even though we are reassured that no structures will be erected or permitted as a result of this zoning clarification , we are very concerned about the scale of the operations being proposed, in particular outdoor music performances intended to attract 25,000+ spectators. Our submission to Planning Committee is here.
New updated content: 2018-10-29 14:33:13
Planning Committee, Wesley Clover Park
Paul reported on the approval by Planning Committee of the rezoning application submitted by Wesley Clover Park. We are concerned by the scale of the musical events permitted by the zoning (up to 25,000 spectators.) Individual events still need to be approved by the City on a case by case basis and we will want to monitor any such application in the future.