New updated content: 2022-02-21 09:15:11
Paul provided information on the final report being prepared for the Ottawa Community Foundation regarding the Peoples Official Plan, as required under the grant agreement between Ecology Ottawa, as POP contact point, and the OCF. Given the achievements of POP and the strength of the network of organizations working together under its umbrella, it was agreed that it would continue operating post Official Plan approval to ensure that the community principles and perspectives it developed on climate and climate equity issues continue to be pressed through the implementation vehicles of the new OP. These instruments include the Review of the Comprehensive Zoning Bylaw, the Urban Forest and Greenspace Master Plan, the Transportation Master Plan, the Infrastructure Master Plan and other measures triggered or informed by new Official Plan policies that have a bearing on the climate and housing and homelessness emergencies. To support this work, a new grant application to the Ottawa Community Foundation has been prepared. The Greenspace Alliance will be maintaining its active participation in the POP process.
New updated content: 2022-07-25 09:52:35
POP 2 launch and initial planning
Paul provided an update on the launch of the Peoples Official Plan phase 2 project, which is focused on keeping civil society pressure on the development of the master plans and other policy instruments that will give effect and implement the new Official Plan, with the aim of keeping climate and greenspace front and centre. He provided details on the Ottawa Community Foundation grant that was approved in support of the project, a multi-year grant running through to 2025. He also shared the draft three year work plan that is under development for the project, in the form of a GANTT chart showing broad sub-projects and tasks over time. The GA continues to be an active member of POP.
Action: Paul to share the GANTT chart with members.