Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Erwin Dreessen, Arto Keklikian, Iola Price, Tony Keith, Terry McIntyre
1. Adoption of the agenda
The proposed agenda was agreed upon, with the addition of an item under Association report.
Moved by Arto, seconded by Nicole. Approved.
2. Administrative items
a. Minutes of October 21 2024 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Nicole, seconded by Erwin. Carried.
b. Website report
Paul reported that the new website was nearing completion, with mostly content clean up work remaining. Erwin expressed concern that there were gaps in the content and that much of the content he had consulted seemed to have been atomized and reassembled in a manner that disrupted the logical narrative flow of the original texts. Paul reassured members that all the content from the old website had been preserved and that the means of restoring the thematic and chronological order of the errant sections was built into the content management interface of the new website. He expected that significant progress would be made by the next general meeting.
c. Membership report
Paul reported that the second batch of membership renewal reminders, for members who renew in the second half of the year, was sent. To date the response has been good. The postal strike, however, might delay some of the renewals.
d. Treasurer’s report
Paul submitted a reimbursement request of $12.00 for the GA’s annual filing with Corporations Canada and $211 for the renewal of our P.O Box rental. Moved by Iola, seconded by Nicole. Carried
e. Association report
Although Nicole was not able to attend the seminar held by les Amis des Parcs in Montreal last month, she has now been invited to join a webinar on November 27, where she will give a presentation on the work of the Greenspace Alliance. Paul also reported on a meeting he attended with other POP coalition members with Debbie Stewart, the newly appointed General Manager of Strategic Initiatives for the City of Ottawa. This was an introductory meeting with no substantial discussions on specific issues. Each member had an opportunity to introduce themselves and give a brief description of their organization. As a follow up to the meeting, she asked participants for feedback on our perceptions of what works and what doesn’t at City Hall.