Ash trees a windfall for the LRT?

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Threats to Greenspaces

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It’s VERY interesting to compare the three articles below. The first from the Citizen is dated April 17, 2012, and the second from the Sun is dated July 12, 2011. The third was published in the Sun, also on April 17.

The first indicates that there “may” be a home for felled infected Ash trees in LRT stations, but the second published nine months ago calls these trees a “windfall for the LRT line“. The third (Sun) article “Beetles could provide wood for LRT station roofs” was also published on April 17th.

Hmmm. Something has been going on here for a while. One has to wonder how much this played into the decision to clear-cut those matures ashes in Andrew Haydon Park.

Can anyone say “this city is not to be trusted”?

Ann Coffey

The Citizen article, April 17, 2012 [article no longer online]

The Sun article, July 12, 2011 [article no longer online]

The Sun article, April 17, 2012