Category: 2014 Municipal Election

Policies & Threats Related to Greenspaces

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WARD 17 Candidates – Capital

The propositions: 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” 2. Renewed commitment to an annual allocation towards an environmental lands acquisition fund. 3. Standing firm in support of the prohibition against future country lot subdivisions. 4. The City’s Advisory Committees should be genuine bridges between the public and Council. David Chernushenko: “Yes, I support your four propositions. I am not certain that so much should

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Colin Pennie

“Municipal Election: Four Propositions 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” Greenspace protection and preservation is a key priority for me and residents of River Ward, which is home to 3 times the average of greenspace than other areas in Ottawa.. I most definitely support a strong site alteration by-law to protect our trees and greenspaces. We need strong by-laws to ensure that we effectively

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WARD 16 Candidates – River

The propositions: 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” 2. Renewed commitment to an annual allocation towards an environmental lands acquisition fund. 3. Standing firm in support of the prohibition against future country lot subdivisions.

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Katherine Hobbs

#1: “Yes, I am strongly in favour of such a by-law. I see it as a natural next step following our decisions to not expand the urban boundary and not to allow country estate lots. When natural features are lost, it is forever. We are uniquely gifted as a City to have jurisdiction over large areas of rural and natural landscape, and I view it as a responsibility and a

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Jeff Leiper

“I would like to thank the Greenspace Alliance for the hard work they do to protect our City’s environment. I am pleased to respond to your letter asking for support on four environmental and greenspace propositions. I support all four. 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” Yes. We have lost too many natural landscapes and woodlots over the past few years to clear-cutting for

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Michelle Reimer

“Thank you for taking the time to share the information with me below. It is clear after reading your email that much more work needs to be done to support and protect our environment and I applaud your continued efforts to raise awareness of these outstanding issues. I will gladly support your concerns below and when elected I look forward to working with Greenspace Alliance to ensure they are adequately

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WARD 15 Candidates – Kitchissippi

The propositions: 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” 2. Renewed commitment to an annual allocation towards an environmental lands acquisition fund. 3. Standing firm in support of the prohibition against future country lot subdivisions. 4. The City’s Advisory Committees should be genuine bridges between the public and Council. Michelle Reimer: Full response          Excerpt: “I will gladly support your concerns below and when elected I look

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WARD 14 Candidates – Somerset

The propositions: 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” 2. Renewed commitment to an annual allocation towards an environmental lands acquisition fund. 3. Standing firm in support of the prohibition against future country lot subdivisions. 4. The City’s Advisory Committees should be genuine bridges between the public and Council. Catherine McKenney: “… What you have done with this survey is demonstrate the wealth of knowledge

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Penny Thompson

“1. Yes I support for a strong site alteration by-law. 2. Yes I support a renewed commitment to an annual allocation towards an environmental lands acquisition fund. As the Chair of the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC) of the City of Ottawa in 2013, a motion was crafted stating: That the Environmental Stewardship Advisory Committee (ESAC) endorse the staff recommendation to purchase three Urban Natural Features (UNF) – Armstrong Road

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Jevone Nicholas

“RESPONSES TO GREENSPACE ALLIANCE SURVEY OF CANDIDATES 1. Support for a strong site alteration by-law, with emphasis on “strong.” Communities have to manage top soil carefully, in order to facilitate the proper flow of natural cycles (water, nitrogen etc.), the retention of nutrients and the healthy growth of diverse vegetation. I am aware of recent “tree massacres” and if this particular legislation (or absence of) is related to such actions,

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