Category: Site Alteration By-Law

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Site alteration by-law review

New updated content: 2024-11-25 12:23:33 The revised Site Alteration By-law was passed on October 16. Despite staff’s initial recommendations and our representations in support, the By-law has in fact been weakened by reducing the limit of peri-urban area, the only rural area where the By-law applies, to 1 km from urban boundary from 2 km in the original version of the By-law. The proposal to extend its natural environment protection

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Site Alteration Bylaw

New updated content: 2018-02-26 18:01:19 Paul met with Amy MacPherson, and emailed Councillors Nussbaum and Leiper to voice our concerns on three issues we identified in the Site Alteration Bylaw: (1) We would have preferred that the bylaw be enforced through a permitting system, rather than a complaint procedure. Ottawa would be the only municipality in Ontario with a Site Alteration bylaw that does not include a permit system. (2)

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Site Alteration By-law

“Site alteration” generally refers to the placing or dumping of fill, the removal of topsoil, changing the grade of land, or the removal of vegetation.  Section 142 of the Municipal Act allows municipalities to adopt a site alteration by-law.  Many municipalities have done so.  As early as 2011, Paul Renaud put together a table of 15 of them. A promise to develop a site alteration by-law was already part of

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