Category: Embassy Row

Policies & Threats Related to Greenspaces

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Proposed Embassy Row on SJAM

The National Capital Commission (NCC) has filed for an Official Plan amendment to allow for the creation of a diplomatic precinct along the Ottawa River. The subject lands, located at Slidell Street and the Sir John A. McDonald Parkway, are next to the Mechanicsville neighbourhood in Kitchissippi Ward. The lands are zoned by the City of Ottawa as greenspace (O1 Parks and Open Space) and are actively used by the

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Embassy Row

New updated content: 2021-02-21 11:02:28 Daniel briefly presented information on a development application made by the NCC to build six structures suitable for embassies on vacant greenspace along the Sir John A Parkway, just north of Mechanicsville. He outlined a plan of action to oppose the application, including among other actions, a letter to Minister Marc Garneau, Minister of Global Affairs, a draft of which was circulated. Everyone supported the

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