Choosing our Future reports and papers

Downtown Ottawa and the Parliament of Canada
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One-page infographic: Sustainability Goals (E/F)


2011 Baseline Report (5.3 MB; 31 pp.)

Sustainability and Resilience (8.2 MB; 120 pp.)

Energy (5.3 MB; 78 pp.)

Risk Prevention and Mitigation (7.8 MB; 50 pp.)

Discussion Papers (June 2011): The Future of…

Land Use, Growth Management and Urban Form (0.8 MB, 21 pp.)

…Natural Systems (0.8 MB; 15 pp.)

…Food and Farming (1.3 MB; 23 pp.)

…Buildings and Energy Supply (1.1 MB; 27 pp.)

…Mobility (1.1 MB; 20 pp.)

Culture (2.6 MB; 21 pp.)

…Social Development (…MB, 16 pp.)

…Water, Stormwater and wastewater Infrastructure (..MB, 14 pp.)

…Materials and Solid Waste Management (..MB, 11 pp.)

Greening the Economy (0.9 MB, 19 pp.)

Vulnerabilities and Resilience (.. MB, 35 pp.)

The staff report of February 2012

The Foundation papers (August 2009) can be downloaded from here.  They are “short discussion papers on the strategic areas to be addressed in the development of the three plans for Choosing our Future initiative: Sustainability and Resiliency Plan, Community Energy Plan and Risk Prevention and Mitigation Plan.  |  The papers are intended to stimulate discussion. They identify key facts, issues and trends, some current responses and best practices, and present a set of draft sustainability goals for discussion.” The topics are:

Biodiversity, Habitats and Ecosystem Health

Climate Change

Culture & Identity

Economic Prosperity


Food and Agriculture

Health & Social Systems

Housing and Affordability

Materials & Solid Waste

Mobility and Transportation Systems

Water & Wastewater

The Foundation papers were informed by the Forces Papers, downloadable from here. Topics:

Climate Change

Demographic Change

Economy and Globalization

Sudden Shocks

Technology Change

Also available: Ten brief Green Papers written by members of the community on sustainability themes.  Go here for more detail.

Additional archived resources from the Choosing Our Future project are here.

(Hints: On these archived pages, the links on the left hand side work better than the text links. Foundation and Forces Papers are also downloadable as PDFs.)

Here is some background, in a post to the GA List on February 20, 2012, at the occasion of the launch of the project’s web site.

Funding for the project was announced on May 8, 2009: Ottawa received $350,000 from the federal Green Municipal Fund (administered by the FCM) and contributed $450,000 itself; Gatineau and the NCC contributed $100,000 each; additional funding came from the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation ($75,000) and CMHC ($35,000). (Source: Ottawa South EMC News,May 22, 2009.)