Consultation on the new Official Plan, 2019

Downtown Ottawa and the Parliament of Canada
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Submissions to Joint Meeting of Planning/Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committees, August 22 2019
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Greenspace Alliance activities in relation to the new Official Plan over the summer of 2019

The Greenspace Alliance participated in the second FCA/GOHBA stakeholder meeting organized by the City on June 11 at the Jack Purcell Centre. This was an opportunity to exchange with senior city planning staff and representatives of several developers on key issues regarding growth, intensification and affordability.

The People’s Official Plan informal group met on June 18 at the offices of the Ottawa Renewable Energy Cooperative. Representatives from CAFES, Greenspace Alliance, the FCA, Ecology Ottawa, OREC, The Energy Mix, Healthy Transportation Coalition, Stewardship Council, Bike Ottawa, Energy Evolution, Extinction Rebellion Ottawa, Somerset West Community Health, Beetbox Farm, Climate Justice Ottawa, Sustainable Living Ottawa East and Just Food participated. The main outcomes were agreement to:

  • Submit personal or organizational comments on the Official Plan prior to the June 30 City deadline, either by completing the City’s online survey or writing directly to:
  • In feedback to the City, endorse the current version of the Joint Declaration on the Climate Emergency and the 2021 Official Plan,  copy to the Greenspace Alliance for Canada’s Capital endorsements are tracked
  • Register and attend the Urban Core Official Plan Consultation, Monday, June 24
  • Continue to cooperate amongst ourselves and with others to develop common messages for the Official Plan. Communicate and amplify the common messages through our networks and during the various open meetings organized by the City (see City’s New Official Plan website).

These  draft strategic messages were circulated to the group on June 20.

GA members attended the June 24 Core councillors’ consultation event on the Official Plan. The GA general meeting of the same date was cancelled to provide an opportunity for GA members to participate in numbers. The consultation event was very well attended. An overview presentation was given, followed by revolving participation at separate table discussions on the urban boundary, active transportation, climate change, affordable housing, and respect/certainty in the development process.

Paul Johanis was invited to attend a Beyond 2036 Sounding Board meeting, which was convened on June 25 at the Nepean Sportsplex. Presentations on the 5 Big Moves and on the proposed OP consultation process was followed by table discussions and reporting. There was a fairly high degree of agreement among participants on the directions proposed by the City.

The People’s Official Plan group met again on July 18 at the offices of Ecology Ottawa. The Council on Ageing was represented at this meeting in addition to previous participants. It was agreed to prepare four substantive papers on the themes of introducing a climate test in the OP (mitigation by decrease in CO2 emissions and increase greenspace/carbon storage, and adaptation), transportation, intensification and regional integration/economic development. These were intended for submission to Planning Committee on August 22. Responsibilities were assigned and a work schedule agreed. It was recognized that these write ups would need to be reviewed once the staff report on draft strategic directions was released on August 12 and that a meeting would be scheduled for this purpose. See detailed meeting notes here.

The GA attended the FCA/GOHBA workshop #3 on August 14, which was given over to exploring possible candidate locations for intensification nodes and corridors outside the core. No report has been made of these discussions.

The GA held a special general meeting on August 15 at the Hintonburg Community Centre, with all members of the POP group invited. The purpose was to review the staff report and the Five Big Moves  paper published on August 12 and to realign our submissions as necessary. A final general assignment of tasks was agreed, including organizing our input in accordance with the Five Big Moves and subordinate strategic policy directions. Meeting notes here.

The POP group was well represented at the August 22 Joint Meeting of Planning Committee and Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee, dominating the public delegation period. Oral presentations were made by Mitchell Beer (The Energy Mix), Paul Johanis (GA), Daniel Buckles (CAFES), Moe Garahan (Just Food), Sally Thomas and Trevor Hache (Healthy Transportation Coalition), John Woodhouse (Council on Ageing), Heather Pearl (Champlain Park Community Association) and Sheila Perry (FCA). Written submissions and speaking notes can be found here.