Members Present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, Amy Steele (director), Jason Kania (director), David McNicoll, Ben Christy, Kate Punnett (director)
Guests: Amanda Allnutt, Jake Harris
The meeting commenced at 7:15pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
A modified agenda was agreed upon.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of February 26, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Erwin provided a few revisions. Ben moved, seconded by Erwin to accept the revised minutes as final.
b. Membership/Board report
Andrew will no longer be able to take on the role of Membership Chair. Amanda has agreed to look after membership for the time being.
c. Treasurer’s report
Erwin moved, seconded by Amy, that we pay the $175 membership fee with Volunteer Ottawa.
d. Webmaster’s report: update, brainstorm
We have been able to obtain some assistance to update the look and function of our website. Small changes have been made to our landing page, which was presented to the members. It was agreed that the new design was more attractive and intuitive. We have the opportunity to make other changes as well and we went around the table to brainstorm ideas on how to improve the website. Ideas included adding separate panels to the home page that could show latest news, highlight our top 5 highest priorities for greenspace protection and a direct appeal to join the alliance. Other ideas included reorganizing the “Our Work” page on a thematic basis and a discussion on where and how to use our logos. In relation to the problem that Erwin had noted last meeting regarding dead links scattered throughout a number of pages on our 600 page website, Paul reported on a plug in WordPress that identifies automatically the pages on which dead links are found. Although each could then be corrected manually, it was agreed that a bulk change would be a preferable solution. Action: Paul is to bring back some mockups for consideration.
e. Volunteer report: Volunteer Ottawa renewal
It was agreed that Volunteer Ottawa has been a very useful resource for us and that we should renew our membership.
f. Geodata report: update, April meeting
Brittney Bourdages is at the point in her research where she can begin to analyze the data she has collected. Paul recommended that we invite Brittney to the next meeting where she can present the data. Agreed.