Annual General Meeting – 20 October 2005

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Annual General Meeting
Billings Room, City Hall
October 20, 2005


Members: Amy Kempster, Mary Hegan, Bill Royds (chair), Chris Szpak, Barbara Barr, Daphne McCree, Erwin Dreessen (notetaker), Arthur Mathewson

Guest: Meredith Brown

Meeting called to order at 7:40 p.m. Quorum was established.

The proposed Agenda was approved (moved/seconded by Erwin/Daphne), with the insertion of a statement by Barbara following Meredith’s presentation.

Meredith, the second Ottawa Riverkeeper, explained that the Ottawa River faces a very complex and piece-meal governance. It was decided that the Waterkeeper model would serve best to improve the ecological health of the River. The Waterkeeper Alliance was initiated by Robert Kennedy on the Hudson River and now has 143 chapters world-wide, 10 of which are in Canada. Key characteristics are that a Waterkeeper is independent of government authority and is science-based. The Ottawa Riverkeeper group has about 500 supporters and has recently hired a Director of Outreach to expand its volunteer base. It has recently begun charging a membership fee. Initial funding was (and continues to be) from the Trillium Foundation but grants from other Foundations have now also been received.

Programs include a network of Riverwatchers, including a network of pilots who report what they see from the air; issuance of a River Report, the first issue of which will appear next spring; and river patrol – a zodiac will soon be acquired.

Local issues the Ottawa Riverkeeper is involved in include the boat pass issue at Chats Falls dam; development in the Carp River floodplain; and contamination from the Chalk River nuclear facilities site.

Policy issues include changes to the Nutrient Management Act; water diversion policy related to the Great Lakes Annex Agreement; and a river-wide inventory of municipal wastewater treatment.

The Ottawa chapter will host a meeting of all Canadian chapters on November 1-2.

For more information about the Ottawa Riverkeeper, visit its web site at

Barbara read out her letter of resignation as a Director of the Alliance, though she had informed the Chair of her inability to continue back in February due to her need to return to the U.S. She also said she only recently had become aware of having received an award from the Ottawa Field-Naturalists Club last April, as a non-member who had promoted natural area conservation. Attendees expressed their appreciation for this well-deserved award as well as for the incredibly valuable service she has performed for the Alliance.

The Minutes of last year’s AGM were not available.

Bill distributed an Annual Report (attached) and provided some highlights.

The Membership report was not available.

Amy presented a preliminary Treasurer’s Report which was accepted (M/S by Amy/Erwin). Audited statements are expected to be completed soon.

John Corey was re-appointed as our auditor for the current year (M/S by Amy/Daphne).

Bill Royds agreed to stand as Chair until the next meeting.

Amy, Chris, Juan Pedro Unger, Janice Seline and George Wilson had indicated agreement to stand as Directors. The Board and Erwin will continue to pursue several leads for additional Directors who could be appointed at future Alliance meetings.

Daphne announced that a fundraising event for the Poet’s Hill, the eastern anchor of the Poets’ Pathway, will take place at Beechwood on November 17, 2005. Details have been posted to the list. It was agreed that the November meeting of the Alliance will be postponed until the 4th Thursday. (ACTION: Amy to reserve the Champlain Park Field House for November 24, if possible.)

Barbara/Mary M/S adjournment at 9:38 p.m.