What changed since the September 2012 draft?

In brief, that degradation of fish habitat protection happened after the 2012 draft: the prohibition against “disruption” (still there in 2012) was dropped in favour of prohibiting only “permanent alteration”; moreover, the principle of “no net loss of productive capacity” was dropped.

There are new references to “second units” in housing and to “older persons”. Some storm water management requirements have been strengthened.


In addition to a number of amendments made after the 2012 draft and noted under the previous heading, here are some other highlights of what changed after we saw the 2012 draft.

  • In section 1.1.1 b, besides affordable housing, there is now also reference to “second units” and “housing for older persons.” Similarly, in the same section, improving accessibility is now a policy not only for people with disabilities but also for “older persons.” The definitions of “Institutional Use” and “Special Needs” also refer to “older persons.” There is another new reference to “second units” in policy 2 of section 1.4.3.
  • Policy, which requires municipalities to establish and implement minimum targets for intensification and redevelopment, gains a bit more flexibility by seeing added “based on local conditions.”
  • In planning storm water management (s., a 2012 proposal to require a plan to “maintain or increase” the extent and function of vegetative and pervious surfaces, in the final version has become a requirement to “maximize” them. (Similarly, in the Energy Conservation section, a policy that in the 2012 draft required support for maintaining or increasing vegetation within settlement areas has now become a requirement to “maximize” it.) “Low impact development” is, along with attenuation and re-use of stormwater, included in best practices.
  • The aggregates industry is given a nod to include aggregate re-cycling facilities in their operations (s.
  • In defining negative impacts on fish habitat, in 2005 “disruption” was included and maintained in the 2012 draft but that word has disappeared in favour of “permanent alteration.” As well, reference to “the guiding principle of no net loss of productive capacity” has disappeared (definition of “Negative Impacts” – b).

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