Province proposes runoff volume control targets

The Province of Ontario proposes to develop a Low Impact Development Stormwater Management Guidance Manual.  On EBR No. 012-9080 it posted two consultants’ reports, “a jurisdictional scan of international stormwater management requirements for controlling rainwater volumes, and potential runoff targets.”  “The Manual is intended to be used by municipalities, conservation authorities, land developers and their consultants.  Similar to the 2003 Stormwater Management Planning and Design Manual, this Guidance Manual will provide the framework for ministry staff involved in assessing and approving stormwater management proposals.

The Green Infrastructure Ontario Coalition and the Canadian Environmental Law Association prepared an extensive submission. It supports the consultants’ recommendations, noting they are based on science and employ numerical targets, which is preferable to aspirational goals and general policy statements.

The drafters invited others to endorse their submission and 16 individuals and 17 organizations, including the Greenspace Alliance, did so.

Most definitely a step in the right direction!


July 14, 2017