Joint Meeting of
Friends of the Greenspace Alliance
Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Friends of Leitrim Wetland
Meeting of 1 December 2009
35 Copernicus Street, Ottawa
– Board Members: Sol Shuster, Janice Seline, Amy Kempster, Joseph Potvin
– Other Friends of Leitrim Wetland: Erwin Dreessen, Albert Dugal, Meg Sears, Clarke Topp,
Iola Price, Philip Martin
– Guest: Linda McCaffrey
Regrets: Mik Svilans, Cheryl Doran, Christel Woodward
The meeting started at 5:12 pm.
Sol and Erwin presented a draft Settlement of our appeal to the Environmental Review Tribunal
of a Permit To Take Water issued to the developers of Findlay Creek Village. Various aspects
and issues were discussed with Linda’s assistance, and general consensus was achieved on the
path forward.
Janice, seconded by Joseph, moved to accept the draft Settlement. All Board members supported
the motion, with the concurrence of the Friends of Leitrim Wetland who were still in attendance
at the time.
Sol agreed to sign the Minutes of Agreement, having “full authority to bind the Appellant
Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital.”
Further discussion followed about the two legal “Greenspace Alliance” entities. It was agreed
that the “Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital” should be maintained for the time being.
At the close of the meeting, Joseph and Sol agreed that after the settlement is in place, they
would initiate informal communications with senior business personnel at Tartan to explore the
potential for a collaborative relationship going forward.
The meeting concluded at 8:30 pm.