General Meeting – 12 June 2002

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Meeting of June 12, 2002

7:30 p.m., Billings Room, new City Hall


Attending: Barbara Barr, Juan Pedro Unger, Amy Kempster, Bill Royds, Erwin Dreessen

Guests: Lauren Klump, Amanda Janes

Regrets: Divya Raman, Eric Moore (see his note at the end of the Minutes, with news about the Botanical Garden application for use of the Central Experimental Farm), Albert Dugal

Documents available: revised Proposed Agenda; draft Minutes of May 15, 2002; Greenspace Alliance monthly bulletin proposal – draft, 12 June 2002; Photo Contest – Tentative plan.



Barbara moved and Amy seconded approval of the revised agenda. Carried.
Juan Pedro moved and Bill seconded approval of the May 15 Minutes as posted. Carried.
– Sawmill Creek Watershed update study: Bill attended the first meeting of the PAC; a second meeting will be held June 25. One identified hot spot is NCC land at Uplands Drive and the Airport Parkway, south of Hunt Club Road.- Lower Rideau River Watershed Management Plan: Charles Billington has not yet responded to Erwin’s May 29 inquiry re representation on the PAC for this project. Friends of the Jock are not on it. The PAC’s first meeting is today.

– June 2 Run/Walk for Clean Air: Amy thanked Mike Mack, Amanda, Mike McLennan, Divya and Juan Pedro for help with the registration, and Bill, Barb & Don Bright, Gert Dreessen, Amanda and Eric for help on the day. There were very generous prizes for all, and a $1,000 check for each of the organizing groups. Ten t-shirts remain – inquire with Amy; $20.00, 2 for $35.00. Sale further benefits the Greenspace Alliance.

– NCC Appeals of the Greenway System: Janice Dowling has agreed to edit the report with Amy. Bill still to try to get Nicole DesRoches’ text on the web site, or link to it.

– Stationary: a proposal for a printing order still to come.

– Greenprint documents: Bill will ask Patrice LeBlanc/Ted Cook for permission to put the report of the Greenprint Renewal Task Force and their Agenda for Action on the web site.

Bill will inquire if the OF-NC is interested.

Amy will post the times of the top 3 or 5 runners and also post the list of businesses who donated draw prizes. She also will again describe the year-round role of the organizing committee, which needs more members. (Amanda volunteered to join the Committee.)

Barbara moved and Amy seconded acceptance of Action Sandy Hill and David Jones as members. Carried. ASH will be represented by Danna Leaman, Environment Chair.

New Business / Action Items

There was general debate about a proposed photo contest and monthly electronic newsletter. It was recognized that both are significant undertakings. The ideas will be worked on further, for possible implementation after the summer.
a) Trillium Woods (“700 and 800 Second Line Road”). We will support the staff recommendation that the City oppose Minto’s development at the OMB. Stan Rosenbaum will also speak on this.b) Cardinal Creek (“1820 Trim Road”). We will say that there was inadequate public consultation on this and that staff has provided little information on this large rezoning.

c) Clr. Munter’s motion on the OMB. We do not support abolishing the OMB in favour of a Local Board with unspecified attributes. The 90-day limit for City approval of development applications should become 120 days. Communities need intervenor funding. Windfall increases in land value due to upzoning should be put into a public Fund.

Barbara will represent the GA on the three items, to be relieved by Bill at 5 p.m. if necessary.

DEVELOPMENT CHARGES (Corp. Serv. Cee., June 18)
Points proposed in Erwin’s posting of June 9 were approved. Erwin will write in and attempt to attend; if not able, Bill will attend.
9h36 LEITRIM (Planning & Devpt. Cee., June 27)
The Sierra Club’s toxicologist will hold a press conference later this month on the health risks from the Gloucester site. Tartan is blocking release of the test results from wells on their land. A brochure (newspaper insert) is in preparation. The staff report came out today; the (revised) plan of subdivision extension has been approved by staff; Clr. Deans did not respond to our suggestions, though she did have a clause put in about sales not being final until all permits have been received. Pierre Dufresne (Tartan) and the City planner will be at the EAC meeting tomorrow, responding to the Friends of LW’s representations last month.We will respond to the invitation to meet with Transport Canada staff in consultation with the Friends (see Mail File).

Our comments on this proposal are on record. Barbara and Erwin will hit key points, emphasizing the ongoing federal process and asking that Council not pass the Implementing Zoning By-law until final disposition of the federal environmental assessment.

Re the Mayor’s promotional actions, it was felt that, as a minimum, we ought to write to him.

Barbara will draft a reply to Transport Canada.

Barbara and Erwin will prepare presentations for June 27.


OTHER ITEMS at Plng & Devpt. Cee., June 27

a) Longfields: Barbara received a report in the mail today. Could some of this land not be traded for Quarry Forest? The greenspace area should be a Conservation Area, not a Park.b) Freiman Woods (“145 Richmond Road”): kudos are due for implementing the findings of the NOS Study for this area, but separation of approval for zoning and for plan of subdivision does not serve the process well. There are some concerns about hazardous waste.

Bill will look into this file further.

Amy will make these points on June 27.


See Mail file for a recent report. The review process continues. Bill will monitor the Ministry’s web site.

Brief Reports / Updates / Deferrals

Erwin, Bill, JP and Steven Artelle met on June 8, reconfirmed the core mission of this project and identified a number of activities and immediate tasks. Steven agreed to henceforth chair the Poets’ Path Committee. He will attend the Small Press Book Fair on June 15 ($15 rental bill for table will be submitted.)


Amy, Bill and Erwin attended this second annual meeting of the group, chaired by Daniel Brunton, on June 1. See mail file.
10h44 The meeting adjourned by consent.

POST-MEETING NOTE: The following communication was received from Eric Moore on June 12:

<Hello, Irwin:

I note that GACC is meeting this evening, and regret that I cannot attend. Not that I’ve been a constant attender, but the Board of the Friends of the Central Experimental Farm also meets this evening.
However, I believe that the attached message from the Chair of the Central Experimental Farm Advisory Council (CEFAC) will be of interest to you and hope that it will reach you in time for your meeting. I’m also attaching a copy of the original recommendation by the CEFAC committee which actually evaluated the OBGS application, which was approved unanimously in toto by the CEFAC as a whole and formed the basis for the recommendation to Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). […]

As I believe you know, I was attracted to GACC, and to enlist both the Friends and myself as members, largely on reading in one of your documents of some four years ago that the protection of the CEF was one of GACC’s five platform planks.

While the Department’s notification of its decision (eight months after the CEFAC recommended against the OBGS application!) will halt the OBGS for the moment, I don’t expect that the threat will go away. And I am quite sure that Ian Efford will “spin” the turndown in some fashion.
However, it will at least evidence the Department’s support for the CEFAC and hopefully attune it to act more promptly on CEFAC recommendations.

I have asked that the CEFAC members be given copies of the actual AAFC letter and, if this is done, I’ll send you a copy. Also, at the CEFAC’s June 20th meeting I shall propose that the Department be asked to hew to a specific time-frame for its decisions, i.e., since the CEFAC’s terms
of reference require that it complete evaluations of applications and make its recommendations to AAFC within 90 days of their receipt, surely AAFC can accept, reject or question said recommendations in no longer a period!

Meantime, my best wishes for a good meeting, and my admiration of the enormous amount energy and expertise which you and your Board put into serving this community.

Best personal regards,

Eric Moore
Friends of the Central Experimental Farm

Bldg. 72, Arboretum
Central Experimental Farm
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0C6

Tel (off): 613-230-3276
Tel (res): 613-726-2504
e-mail (off):
E-mail (res): >

The letter from Mike Nowosad, Chair of the CEFAC, dated June 7, 2002:

<Hello everyone. Please be advised that on May 8, 2002 Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada (AAFC) wrote to Mr. Ian Efford of the OBGS advising him that AAFC would not consider their application for a botanical garden at the CEF (therefore supporting the CEFAC recommendation) as a number of conditions had not been met in the application. Those conditions were as follows:

  1. It must not include any use of land or facilities on the west side of Prince of Wales Drive,

2. The use of any land or facilities on the east side of Price of Wales Drive must meet the Canadian Heritage (Parks Canada) criteria (e.g. it must not have a negative impact on the heritage values of the Canal nor impede the operation of the Canal, specifically at Hartwells lock station but also navigation in general),

3. The Arboretum, if included, must remain open and free to the public,

4. The Fletcher Wildlife Garden must remain as it is,

5. The Commemorative Integrity Statement must be observed,

6. The land use must be compatible with other jurisdictions (e.g. NCC, Parks, City of Ottawa, etc.) and designations (e.g. National Interest Land Mass (NILM)) of the CEF and

7. It must clearly demonstrate financial viability/self sufficiency.

Mr. Efford and the OBGS were invited to re-submit an application to AAFC at some time in the future.

My apologies for the delay in relaying this information to you. If you have any questions or would like to discuss this further with me don’t hesitate to give me a call.

Best regards and do have a nice weekend.

Mike Nowosad



Original Report, dated 19 September, 2001, from the Evaluation Committee to CEFAC Council on the Ottawa Botanical Garden Society Proposal:

<The committee has reviewed the submitted proposal documents, and subsequent response to questions. Our recommendation to the Council is that we reject this proposal.

The documentation we reviewed is not coherent or consistent. The attached report does set out a vision, but falls short of delineating a clear plan which could be evaluated in detail, and there is some confusion caused by the reduction of scope from the vision document to the actual proposal. The Committee reviewed the submission and requested more information, but in essence received a statement of intent, not a detailed plan and as such reviewed it against the Commemorative Integrity Statement as we did not have sufficient detail to work through the CEFAC Evaluation Criteria.

Furthermore the committee was uneasy with several aspects of the submission which are contrary to the stated objectives of the Commemorative Integrity Statement such as:

    • The scope of the proposal would unquestionably have a negative impact on the heritage character of the Experimental Farm as implied by road access, parking pathways and in particular fencing with its inherent visual impact and limitations to public access.

o The proposal implies the use of several of the existing buildings, without clarification regarding the proposed use. Similarly, the relationship with, and surrounding of, the Fletcher Wildlife Garden is unclear and has not been negotiated with the Garden’s management.

    • The underlying premise seems to be that a commercial entity would be established which with the necessary volume of visitation, character of attraction and scale of intervention, would be contrary to the Farm’s heritage landscape.

In conclusion we would like to emphasize that there is a tremendous variation in the character of Botanic gardens ranging from scientific collections to commercial attractions. The committee members all expressed positive comments about the prospect of a commercial botanical garden in Ottawa, but were adamant that the Experimental Farm was an inappropriate location and would be degraded as a heritage resource from such an imposition.>


– Photos! From the Wildlife Festival.

– Agenda and other material from the Ottawa Riverkeeper Annual Meeting of 1 June 2002.

– Letter from Erwin Dreessen, dated May 30, 2002, in support of a grant proposal by Ottawa River Inc. to the Trillium Foundation.

– Reply from Brian Klunder of the Office of the Minister of Transport, dated May 22, to our letter of April 6 re concerns about Leitrim. Explains the process of the Area-Wide Risk Assessment, promises an open house, and offers to meet with staff.

– Reply from the Minister of Fisheries & Oceans, dated May 16, 2002, to our letters of December 18 and April 8 re concerns about Leitrim. Names the 6 federal departments now involved in the assessment of Leitrim.

– Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing, Five-Year Review of the Provincial Policy Statement – Summary of Consultations, April 2002, 143 pp., and letter from the Minister, dated 14 May 2002. Letter says” “…we will shortly begin conducting further consultations on specific changes that may be proposed.” One needs to monitor their web site, to keep abreast of new developments. (In their first round of consultations, they passed the Ottawa public by.)

– Alta Vista Transportation Corridor E.A., Comments on Scoping of Issues and Development of Evaluation Criteria, sent May 29, 2002 by City planner Chris Gordon, 17 & 7 pages.

– Run/Walk for Clean Air brochure (June 2, 2002) and list of businesses and individuals who donated draw prizes.

– Engaging Canadians in Making Policy: More Needs to Be Done – press release of 24 May 2002 by the Canadian Policy Research Network. Report by Susan Phillips and Peter Puxley, “Mapping the Links: Citizen Involvement in Policy Processes, 41 pp. Available at .

– Charting a Course – The Next Step, May 2002, 27 pp. Available at .

– Changing the Climate of Opinion, Rachel #746, posted on the GA list on May 4, 2002, 5 pp.

– Urban Habitat Stewardship Award – invitation for nominations. In 2002, Wildlife Habitat Canada “will honour innovative and exemplary urban land stewardship in Ontario. Individuals, businesses, organizations and municipalities … can be nominated.” Deadline is August 23, 2002. For more information, visit .


– David Reevely, “Ottawa unfair to the NCC, Beaudry says,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 12, 2002, C3. About Mr. Beaudry’s appearance before a Senate committee.

– Editorial, “A good start for King Edward,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 12, 2002, C4.

– David Reevely, “‘Creative city’ summit helps give the capital an ‘artistic sensibility’ – Artists contribute to city’s 20-year heritage plan,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 9, 2002, A8.

– David Reevely, “Destroyed trees valued at $9,600 – Remains of Kanata ‘massacre’ turned into expensive firewood,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 8, 2002, D3.

– Jerry DeMarco, “Dandelions: to die for? – Our new pesticide bill should incorporate the precautionary principle: Protect first, permit later.” The Globe & Mail, June 7, 2002, A17. The author is managing lawyer for the Sierra Legal Defense Fund and represented environmental and municipal groups in the Hudson pesticide case before the Supreme Court of Canada.

– Nevil Hunt, “Dump leaching ‘probable carcinogen’ – Dioxane recorded at Albion Road,” The News, June 6, 2002, p. 7.

– Randall Denley, “Draw us a picture of the new city,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 5, 2002, C4.

– “Green web site launched,” The Ottawa Citizen, June 5, 2002, C7. By students and staff at Featherston Drive Public School. – part of the partnership between the OCDSB and Ameresco Canada.

– APOLOGY for E. May’s op-ed piece of May 30, The Ottawa Citizen, May 31, 2002.

– David Reevely, “Encourage creative builders; mayor – Chiarelli wants special treatment for ‘imaginative’ construction projects,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 2002, B2.

– Editorial, “Of sand and seagulls,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 2002, B4. About Ottawa’s beaches.

– Elisabeth May, “Buyers should definitely beware this Leitrim development,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 30, 2002, B4.

Editorial – “An under-developed attack,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 25, 2002, B6. About the G-G’s indictment of “ruthless greed and meaningless rapacity of most development in Canada.”

– David Reevely, “Chiarelli defends builders’ ethics – Rejects Clarkson’s charges of ‘ruthless greed’,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 25, 2002, D3.

– David Reevely, “City buys land to control development – Kanata purchase will bar clearcut, councillor says,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 25, 2002, D12. At a cost of $182,000, 48 acres of “Natural Area ‘B'” land are added to the 556 acres the City/Region had bought earlier.

– David Reevely, “Break urban mold: architect – Avi Friedman argues for more versatile neighbourhoods,” The Ottawa Citizen, May 24, 2002, F3.

– Alanna Mitchell, “Next 30 years termed crucial to the fate of planet Earth,” The Globe & Mail, May 23, 2002, A6. On a report published the UN Environment Programme in Nairobi.

– Alanna Mitchell, “Mining firms have decided they’re ready to go green – But it’s more about economic survival than about saving the Earth, company heads say,” The Globe & Mail, May 20, 2002, A6.

– Nature Conservancy of Canada, “40 Years of Great Saves,” supplement to The Globe & Mail, May 18, 2002, F9-F12.

– Evergreen – “Bringing Nature to our Cities, ” supplement to The Globe & Mail, May 17, 2002, 16 pp. “Common Grounds” Themes: Land protection, Stewardship, Capacity Building. Its “Urban Land Trust service can help you protect urban sites…” And more: “Learning Grounds” (about naturalizing school yards), “Home Grounds” (about your own backyard). Six ways to make a difference. “Our promise: We’ll track the results generated from this initiative, monitor program growth through the year and report back to you next year on the state of Canada’s urban life support.” Long list of sponsors. Web site: .

– Murray Campbell, “Disappearance of farmland renews concerns,” The Globe & Mail, May 16, 2002, A11. About the disaster zone north of Toronto.

– Allan Robinson, “Miners mull sustainable development,” The Globe & Mail, May 16, 2002, B12.

– “Tackling climate change: Will Canada profit by emissions reduction?” supplement to The Globe & Mail, May 16, 2002, K1-12.

The next meeting of the GACC is on July 10, at 7:30 p.m., in the Richmond Room.

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