Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of General Monthly Meeting of March 15, 2007
Champlain Field House
Present: George Wilson (Chair), Theresa Jobateh (Minutes taker), Erwin Dreessen, Amy Kempster, Carol Gudz, Daphne McCree, Juan Pedro Unger
Regrets: Janice Seline, Joseph Potvin, Bill Royds, Ron Rancourt
The meeting commenced at 7:00 p.m.
1. Welcome
2. Adoption of Agenda
– Some items were added
– Moved #5 “Membership report” after #7 to accommodate Janice’s anticipated arrival
3. Approval of various meeting minutes
– October 19, 2006. Carol moved to approve. Erwin seconded
– January 18, 2007 – change 8 a) “recreational pesticides” to “cosmetic pesticides”. Erwin moved to approve the minutes with this change. Carol seconded.
Action: Ask Chris Szpak to update the document then post on the new Web site.
– February 15 – Theresa moved to approve. Erwin seconded.
4. Business Arising
5. Membership Report
This item was delayed to near the end of the meeting. No report. Janice was not present. Some discussion among members present.
a) Amy moved to accept new membership application at current individual rate from Kara Lee Golota. Erwin seconded.
b) Amy moved to accept renewal of Irwin and Kenja Brodo’s associate membership. Carol seconded.
6. Treasurer’s Report
Amy provided balance information on various accounts.
Motion: Amy moved that GA pay the Industry Canada registration fee of an estimated $40.00. Daphne seconded..
Motion: Amy moved that GA pay Theresa $40.00 to reimburse for the Friends of the Farm Plant Sale registration fee. Juan Pedro seconded.
Motion: Amy moved that GA pay the FCA (Federation of Community Associations) membership fee of $30.00. Erwin seconded.
Motion: Amy moved that the GA set up a separate account # for the Leitrim fund raiser. Erwin seconded.
Motion: Amy moved that she transfer $300 from the main account to the KNL fund raiser account. Erwin seconded.
7. Information / Discussion Items
7a) Newsletter
Juan Pedro provided an update and opened a discussion on the content and timing of release. He will work on a shortened version, using basic text for starters. He advised that once the new site is launched, it can contain a more elaborate version with links later.
7b) Major discussion item – Leitrim
Erwin provided an update of the appeal case preparation with the Ottawa U Environmental Law Clinic.
Carol opened the discussion on fundraising options. The target amount could range between $5,000 and $10,000 to cover out of pocket expenses and witnesses.
The Sierra Youth Coalition is busy so cannot participate at this time. She plans to solicit for donations via the Sierra Club and GA mailing lists.
There was caution about drawing for prizes or raffling due to a possible requirement from the city for a permit.
Amy suggested a silent auction event at the new CUBE gallery.
There was discussion about a donation box to have at our events table. Theresa offered to get one made up.
Motion: Erwin moved to instruct the Environmental Law Clinic to appeal the rezoning of land on the eastern side of the wetland that was approved by Council on February 23, 2007. Carol seconded.
8. Items for brief discussion
a) Glebe Environmental Fair March 24, 2007.
Motion: Amy moved that GA reimburses George for the $25 registration fee. Daphne seconded.
Action: Carol will prepare an information sheet / table handout on the Leitrim issue.
b) Poet’s Pathway
George provided an update. The committee is growing. They are nurturing ideas for progress one step at a time. One imminent event will be a wine and cheese social gathering at a house in Manotick, to raise awareness and have poetry readings for 20 to 30 people. Tentative date is April 14 or 28.
c) Website update
Erwin provided an update. There are very few content items that remain to be added. There are only a few aesthetic details and embellishments. Estimated launch by end of March. Erwin distributed the text for the second draft of the Chair’s announcement. The welcome message to new registrants is 99% completed.
d) Eco Fair at the RA centre April 21
Carol and George offered to volunteer.
Motion: Carol moved to have a cheque of $35.00 issued for the registration fee. Amy seconded.
e) Manotick development – Amy volunteered to draft a letter re comments on development plan.
f) FUN Report card – Amy volunteered to draft a terse letter commenting on the lack of action in evaluating wetlands. Erwin offered to provide feedback on the draft.
g) Friends of the Experimental Farm Plant Sale May 13. George presented Janice’s schedule of events.
Motion: Erwin moved to approve Janice’s schedule and to ask her to take the lead. Amy seconded.
Action: George will follow up with Janice.
9. New Business
a) Pesticide meeting – George mentioned that he and Jane Moore will attend an upcoming meeting as individuals.
b) JP mentioned a new Orleans group, “Team Ottawa Orleans” and recommended to open lines of communication with them. He also mentioned that Metro Ottawa is planning a special environmental issue for April 20th.
Motion: JP moved that GA consider putting in a business card size ad at an estimated cost of $50.00. Carol seconded.
10. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 PM. Amy moved to adjourn. Daphne seconded.
Next meeting: April 19, 2007
Theresa Jobateh, Co-Secretary