Time: 7:30 p.m. Location: Billings Rm, RMOC
Documents Circulated: (1) Minutes of previous meeting(s)
1. Approval of agenda
2. Approval of circulated minutes
3. Brief Announcements/Updates:
- (Parlow) Southern Corridor: new City of Ottawa councillor (Jim Bickford);
- much ado about nothing (Mayor Watson and NCC letter); letters to NCC sent from Riverside Park CA, HCCO, Quinterra-Riverbanks CA and Southern Corridor working group asking to be classified a “relevant group” for any NCC dealings with Southern Corridor
- (Barr) Conroy Swamp update: Greenboro Turtlehead Nature Area to be officially opened 9 a.m. Friday May 28, off Johnston Road (rain date, 1 week later)
- (Barr) Update on City of Ottawa Environmental Advisory Committee
- (Royds) Summary of Rideau River workshop (April 10)
- (Crosby) Check out the new Millenium Eco-Communities web site at https://ec.gc.ca/Error 404.html
- Current OMB appeals: Mediated solution to be adopted on NCC appeal re: Greenway System
4. Committee Reports:
- Membership, Ad Hoc Liason, Land Priorities List committee, External/Internal Communications,
- GA letter dated Mar 26/99: response to NCC’s Strategic Environmental Assessment for the Plan for Canada’s Capital
- Seeking comments on website: http://www.flora.org/greenspace/ [maybe could add poetry and/or photos here?]
5. Main Business – Project Update:
GreenMap for Ottawa/Carleton
6. New business:
7. Next Meeting: 7:30 p.m., on Tue, May. 11. Location: Festival Board Room. Last meeting of year to be Wed, June 16 in Billings Room.