General Meeting – 17 September 2009

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Friends of the Greenspace Alliance

Minutes of Meeting of September 17, 2009

RA Centre

Present: Cheryl Doran (chair), Amy Kemspter, Janice Seline, Mik Svilans and Chris Woodward (notetaker)

Regrets: Sol Shuster, Eric Cousineau, Barry George, Joseph Potvin.

Approval of Minutes:

Most people present were unable to read the minutes of the last meeting that were sent out using Vista 2007.  Mik volunteered to reformat. As we have not approved the minutes of June, July or Aug, we agreed that these will be sent out again by email. Directors will have a week to submit comments.

Membership Report:

Membership report was not available. Membership renewal will occur at the annual meeting.

Treasurer’s Report:

Motion:  That Amy Kempster be added as having signing authority on the FofGA account, replacing Barry George who has been unavailable for a few months for personal reasons. Moved by Janice, seconded by Mik. Approved.

Motion: Janice moved, seconded by Chris, that the FGA pay Mik Svilans $125 (cost of filing Appeal to Official Plan Amendment #77) and Amy Kempster $200 (cost for incorporation of the Friends of the Greenspace Alliance). Approved.

Business arising:

Mik reported that he and others are meeting with a lawyer from Ecojustice on Monday in preparation for a prehearing meeting on Thursday, Sept 24th regarding the appeal of OPA#77. The four main points for appeal involve concerns about problems with flood water management plans in the Carp River flood plain. The planning for the entire watershed should to be considered.

Chris reported that the Poets’ Pathway is having another fundraiser for plaques on the pathway at the Elmdale House Tavern next Thursday, Sept 24th.

Discussion of the meeting with Councillor Bédard and other issues related to preserving and enhancing greenspace in the Chelsea/Gatineau area were postponed as Joseph was not available.

New Business

*Leitrim Park and Ride.

Cheryl received information requested through the Freedom of Information Act about the size and direction of the contamination plume near the proposed Leitrim Park and Ride. The city proposes to build a storm water pond next to this landfill. The MOE was not aware of the plume spreading in all directions.  Cheryl reported that 17 empty buses now come to this area to drive along Leitrim and Lester, each morning and evening.

*Meeting with NCC

Cheryl, Amy and members of the Greenbelt Coalition will be meeting with Francois Lapointe of the NCC on September 28th. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the pressures upon the NCC from the City of Ottawa and various opportunities that exist for the NCC to manage the Greenbelt and expand it.

*Meetings with Greenbelt farmers

Cheryl reported on several issues they have.

The farmers renting from the NCC on Ramseyville Road will be affected by the Hunt Club extension. Albert Dugal has agreed to take a botanic view of the area next June and Fred Schueler may look at the lush ecosystem this October.

Farmers report that they have a hard time improving their rented buildings because their leases are just for three years at a time. Banks are reluctant to lend them money for improvements such as a new roof.

Motion: Moved by Chris, seconded by Amy, that the FoGA recommend to the Greenbelt Coalition that they advocate that good tenant farmers on NCC lands be given longer lease periods. Approved.

The NCC might consider asking farmers such as Noble Harvest Stables to participate in Open Doors so that the public gets to see such remarkable places within the Greenbelt.

*AGM and next year’s priorities.

We discussed our priorities for the coming year. They will be the Greenbelt (participating in the NCC visioning exercise), and the Urban Land Study of the National Capital (which is ongoing); like the GB Master Plan, that Plan  is due in 2011 as well.

Cheryl will advertise our annual meeting on Oct 15th at City Hall. Chris will share her experience advertising concerts with Cheryl.

Mik moved to adjourn at 9:20.





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