General Meeting – 20 July 2004

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of meeting of July 20, 2004

Champlain Park Field House, 7:30 p.m.

Members attending: Amy Kempster (acting chair), Barbara Barr (minute-taker), Daphne McCree, Janice Seline, Chris Szpak, Juan Pedro Unger

Regrets:  Bill Royds

Documents available: Draft Agenda; Minutes of meeting of June 23, 2004.

A copy of “Where Will We Live?”, a City document prepared in conjunction with Official Plan appeals of the Urban Boundary, was available for viewing.

1. Additions/changes to agenda

The draft agenda was amended by reversing the order of ltems 3b and 4 so that “Priority Items” became Item 3b and “Business Arising from the Minutes” became Item 4, by adding “Administrative Matters” as Item 5, and by renumbering “Other Items” to Item 6. Juan Pedro moved and Daphne seconded that the agenda be accepted, as amended. Carried.

2.  Minutes of the Last Meeting

Motion:  Barbara moved and those present agreed that item 6c(3) of the minutes of the meeting of May 26, 2004 be amended by changing “Rural Nature Features” to “Rural Natural Features”.

Motion:  Barbara moved and Janice seconded that the minutes of the meeting of June 23, 2004 be approved.  Carried.

3. Treasurer’s Report/Membership

There were no new membership applications.

The proposed membership exchange with the Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa continues to be deferred.

The Treasurer reported a June 30th bank balance of $1,431.78 and mentioned the $1,500.00 Term Deposit Certificate.  The amount of petty cash was not reported.

Deferred to next meeting.
3a. Recruiting New Members

With Juan Pedro taking the lead, a general discussion about recruiting new members was held.  It is highly desirable for the Alliance to have a large membership which is not active all the time but could be called upon for action-alert type items and whose membership fees would provide funds for various activities, including the possibility of hiring people to assist the Alliance.  A publicity campaign, possibly involving news stories and ads, would be a way to raise public awareness of the Greenspace Alliance.  How to communicate effectively with members of varying degrees of committed involvement is a challenge.  Two possibilities are:  only Alert items would go to some members, or Alert items plus a Newsletter would go to those members.


J.P. to prepare plan before Sept. meeting and e-mail plan to Board members.

3b.  Priority Items    
a) Provincial Planning Initiatives

Amy and Barbara attended the public meeting on July 12th organized by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing (MMAH).  Representatives of MMAH explained the three planning reform initiatives – Ontario Municipal Board Reform, Planning Act Reform and Implementation Tools, and Provincial Policy Statement changes.  Following introductory presentations, the public made oral comments, which were noted by the organizers.

The by-invitation workshop meeting was re-scheduled to July 20th.  Amy sought, and was granted, permission from the contact at MMAH for a representative of the Greenspace Alliance to participate.  Amy participated. The workshop consisted of a presentation followed by each table of people tackling a question.

Written comments about the three planning reform initiatives are due August 31st.  Chris volunteered to head a committee consisting of Amy, Barbara, J.P. and himself to prepare comments.

Amy to draft comments on Prov. Policy Statement.

Everyone to submit comments to Chris by Aug. 9th.


Chris to prepare submission.

b) Official Plan Review Urban Boundaries

A report, “Where Will We Live,” will be discussed at a City-sponsored, by- invitation meeting on August 6th.  The report will be used by the City to defend its position that adequate land for building new housing exists within the current Urban Boundary, and that boundary expansion is not merited at the present time.  It will be important for the Greenspace Alliance to know whether greenspace is involved and how surplus federal lands are treated.  If a representative of the Greenspace Alliance is to attend the meeting, it will be in conjunction with the invitation to the Federation of Citizens’ Associations.

Chris reported that O.P. appeal #50 (LaPlante) had been withdrawn.

Erwin Dreessen to try to attend meeting.
c)  5309 Bank Street

Bill has drafted comments for the Alliance to submit to the City concerning the proposed Official Plan amendment to change the land use to permit a limestone quarry.  It has not yet been read by most of the Board members. Bill reported, through Barbara, that the Public Lands Act would not apply when the City sells land for a quarry.  The Act applies only to the Ministry of Natural Resources when provincial land is being sold for a quarry.

Bill had brought the matter of the bulldozed trees to the attention of Ward Councillor Diane Deans, who referred it to the planner.  Barbara reported that it is not apparent that the City is doing anything about the fact that the owner appears to have violated one of the conditions of sale.  Amy suggested that perhaps this should be handed over to the Federation of Citizens’ Associations because the City is not following its own rules.


Barbara to review draft submission.





Barbara to ask Bill to follow- up with Councillor Deans.

4.  Business Arising from the Minutes

Treasurer’s Report

The carried-forward issue of the invoice from Ottawa U. concerning a charge for a volunteer event held in 2003 is to be resolved by waiting for Ottawa U. to contact the Greenspace Alliance again if money is owed.  Barbara contacted Sara Gagné who was the Greenspace Alliance’s volunteer coordinator at the time, and she was unaware of any charges associated with the event.

The charge for room rental at City Hall for meeting rooms in May and June has not yet been paid because of the lack of an invoice.




Carried forward from May Mtg:

Bill to request invoice from City of Ottawa for meeting rooms.

Official Plan Appeal Progress

Barbara checked Amy’s proposed wording to resolve the Greenspace Alliance’s appeal of Official Plan section 2.4.5 involving National Capital Commission lands and reported that she does not know whether the wording resolves the problem.

Amy to e-mail proposed wording to Board.

Run/Walk for Clean Air

Amy reported that she had delivered thank you letters and had sent the names of the donors and sponsors to Bill for posting on the Greenspace Alliance’s website.  “Runners’ World” called the event, “The best little run in Ottawa.” Janice is willing to become our principal volunteer for the planning stages of the Run/Walk event.  Our share of the 2004 Run/Walk proceeds is not yet known.

Janice to attend Run/Walk meetings.

Development Charges

Amy presented the Greenspace Alliance’s comments at Corporate Services and Economic Development Committee on July 6th.  Barbara appeared as an individual and commented about development charges for stormwater facilities at Leitrim.  The motion adopted by Committee and Council included a three-month period during which staff will continue to meet with key stakeholders to review and revise the data and analysis in the development charges study.  The next report will go Corporate Services Committee in October.  Amy noted that there is no provision for involvement of community groups during the three-month period and suggested that Jennifer Phillips should be approached concerning this.

Unassigned action item concerning contacting Jennifer Phillips about community involvement.

1179 Dozois Road

Barbara and Janice have not yet prepared an analysis of the Environmental Impact Statement for 1179 Dozois Road.

Janice and Barbara to analyze EIS.

Board of Directors Membership

Barbara talked to Svetlana.  She is too busy to attend meetings at the present time.

Official Plan Appeals

See Agenda Item 3b(b).

5309 Bank Street

See Agenda Item3b(c)

Estate Lot Developments

At the June meeting Barbara commented that it did not seem like the Greenspace Alliance was receiving all of the country estate lot development proposals of possible interest.  Amy did not have time to contact the City regarding improved “heads up” notification.  Also, we may need to renew our contact information. Any request to the City should specify our interest in Rural Natural Features, Urban Natural Features, Major Open Space, and Environment Areas A and B.  At the June meeting it had been suggested that perhaps we should request to be sent the same development proposals that are sent to the Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee.

Barbara to find out if contact info. is up-to­ date.  Chris to then contact City regarding development proposals of interest.

Provincial Planning Changes

See Agenda Item 3b(a).

Widening of Queensway – Effect on Hampton Park

Amy obtained information about the project and circulated it to Board members.  The Greenspace Alliance did not submit comment; however, Amy submitted personal comment.  Another public meeting is planned.

5. Administrative Matters

The need to find a less expensive meeting place than City Hall ($50.00 per meeting) continues.  The consensus of discussion was that it is preferable to try to reserve a no-charge place for the entire year rather than having to try to find a meeting place every month.

MOTION: Chris moved and Daphne seconded that Amy attempt to reserve the Champlain Park Field House for meetings for a year.  Carried.

Barbara noted that the Greenspace Alliance does not yet have an auditor and thought the person Bill had originally suggested did not work out. Amy noted that Greenprint had an unpaid auditor.

Amy suggested a speaker about land trusts for the September meeting.

Amy to contact Field House representative. Amy to notify membership of next meeting date and location.

Barbara to check with Bill about auditor.

Amy to contact speaker.

6. Other Items

Pollution Probe

Amy reported that Pollution Probe is working on getting major stakeholders of the Mississippi, Rideau, South Nation, Gatineau, and Lièvre watersheds together on planning regarding the overall watersheds.  Pollution Probe is looking for interested community people.

The meeting adjourned by consensus at 9: 17 p.m.  


Policy Instruments


    Threats and Opportunities
