General Meeting – 23 February 2000

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of Meeting Feb. 23, 2000

Present: Erwin Dreessen, who acted as Chair in the absence of Shelley Parlow, Bill Royds, Barbara Barr, Amy Kempster, Eric Moore, Bryan Hawley.

Guests were Roy McArthur, Chair of the Urban Ecosystem Stewardship Council of Ottawa-Carleton and Mike Rosen, Manager of the same organisation.

Regrets: Shelley Parlow

Documents circulated:  Agenda, Minutes of January 19, 2000 meeting, Urban Stewardship’s Accomplishments for 1999, Workplan for 2000 and Profile of Council Members.

  1. Approval of Agenda: Under tem 6 Actions d) was added: participation in Transition Board committees; Under item Brief announcements/updates the i) was added: Leitrim wetlands; Item 7. was changed to Next meeting and Adjournment became item 8.  Bill moved and Eric seconded that the Agenda as amended be accepted. Approved.
  2. Roy McArthur gave a brief description of the program followed by slides on the activities of the Council presented by Mike Rosen. Main items of interest are that this is the only stewardship council covering an urban area, that they have developed a list of funding sources and are developing a directory of environmental/community association groups, have worked to show alternatives in cases such as Montfort woods and done considerable work with young people and in the schools. Mentioned was the National Capital Wildlife Festival coming up on April 7-9 at Carlingwood Mall and an enviro-conference in the fall.  A book by Seaton Findlay on woodlots in the National Capital Area will be published.

Item 5 g (Orleans Quarry Forest) was discussed next.  It was reported that the group had met with Kreling, held a well-attended community meeting and went to Council but the latter was not very receptive.  Unfortunately, the land was zoned for development some time ago.  The web site for the group is /storm.

3. Barb moved and Bill seconded that the January minutes in their final form be accepted.  Approved.

  1. Items arising from the minutes.

a: Erwin clarified that what he wished to see made available re the Experimental Farm was the commemorative integrity statement, rather than the reading of the plaque.  It was agreed that, if available, a copy would be forwarded to GACC.

b: It was noted that the three conservation authorities had indicated that they did not wish to delegate their authority to the new City Council.

c: The letter to Manley wi11 be sent shortly and will include a reference to the possible poets’ pathway. It seems there is some interest by his office in the latter.

  1. a: Membership: Barb moved and Amy seconded that the membership of Seaton Findlay, David McNicoll, Al Crosby and Fairlea Community Association be confirmed. Approved. Bill nominated and Barb seconded Bryan Hawley as a director. Approved. Barb noted that she had also received a $25.00 donation from Gail Stewart.

b: The by-laws wi11 be printed out again and checked for misprints .  The older mission statement was noted.  It was felt that the by-laws and brochure replaced this.

c: Land trust working group. Amy reported that the strategy paper was being circulated for comments and was essentially suggesting that the route of starting as a chapter under the existing Rideau Conservation Foundation was being recommended.   Amy was asked to arrange to forward the document for comments.

d. Volunteer Bryan Hawley reported that he thought that they might wave the fee for the first year of membership.  Bill moved and Barb seconded that the Greenspace Alliance join and ask for a webmaster as well as other volunteers. Approved. Bryan Hawley to approach the Centre.

e. Greenmap focus About 37 people turned up for these so they served their purpose.  A foundation, the Kitchissippi Foundation, has been formed to help fund the work.  Bill Royds moved and Amy Kempster seconded a motion to lend the Foundation a copy of our mailing list for a one-time mailing. Approved.

f. Eric and Erwin reported on the Ontario Environmental Bill of Rights. They indicated it seemed a good thing to have which is not well enough known.  The web site is then link. Unfortunately, the success rate in getting help is low.

g. see above.

h. Erwin noted that Barb had made an excellent intervention re 1454 Clementine. The issue was deferred to 28. Montfort went back to original zoning which the community had not wanted to dispute. Barb to keep in touch with Donna Silver re Clementine.

i. Leitrim wetlands. Bill noted that due to some recent draining for development the toxic waste site was leaking and this could be endangering the whole wetlands. He will let us know of further developments.  (Note: These wetlands are home to a rare snail.)

6. Actions:

a) Erwin noted that the background paper was good. He felt we should submit comments and the meeting agreed. He suggested that standards are needed for self-directed assessments and that crown corporations such as NCC and leased crown lands such as the airport should come under the It was also suggested that qualifications to do environmental assessment should be specified.  He will circulate draft comments by e-mail.

b) Erwin indicated he had received an accounting of receipts of payments in lieu of parkland and uses of this reserve fund from the city. Nothing was spent on land preservation. This will be noted in the brochure. The term significant rather than valuable will be The question of applying for a CEP grant to obtain a French translation and produce the brochure was discussed.  It was decided that this might not be advisable and that it would be better to wait and request a grant for a future document designed to assist local communities in preserving greenspace.

c) The question of the damage to Riopelle and Cunningham Islands was noted. It was felt that this might be better left to the spring when the damage would be more evident.

  1. Next meeting. Amy was asked to obtain a room for the next meeting.
  1. Adjournment. Just before this, Bill moved and Barb seconded that a card be sent to Shelley Parlow who has been ill. Approved.

Note:  Meeting dates obtained from the Region: Mar. 22 Billings Room, Apr. 19 Billings Room

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