Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of meeting of May 26, 2004
Billings Room, Ottawa City Hall
Members attending: Bill Royds (Chair), Barbara Barr (minute-taker), Amy Kempster, Janice Seline
Regrets: Chris Szpak, Juan Pedro Unger
Documents available: Agenda; Minutes of meeting of April 28, 2004
1. Call to Order
Chair B. Royds called the meeting to order at 7:40 p.m. |
2. Approval of Agenda
The Agenda was amended to reword Item 6(c)1 to read Aggregate Resources Act Application; to add 6(f) Kanata KNL Land; to add 6(g) 1179 Dozois Road; and to change Item 7(a) from Board of Directors Membership to Board of Directors Membership and Meeting Location. The amended Agenda was approved by consensus. |
3. Approval of Minutes of April 2004
The Minutes of the meeting of April 28th were amended to move the paragraph for 7k, 1216 Old Prescott Road, to the end of the material for 7f, 5309 Bank Street Rezoning; and to add the wording “Not pursued.” to 7k, 1216 Old Prescott Road. Motion: Barbara moved and Amy seconded approval of the Minutes of the meeting of April 28, 2004, as amended. Carried. |
4. Treasurer’s Report
Barbara reported that the Term Deposit Certificate has renewed for another two months, maturing on July 2, 2004. Bill reported that beginning in July a rental fee of $50.00 will be charged for the meeting rooms at City Hall. The cost of meeting rooms for May and June is $25 plus tax for a total of $27.52 per meeting. An invoice from the City is needed for our financial records and before paying this bill. Discussion of finding a less expensive meeting location is under Item 7a of this Agenda. |
Carried forward from Feb. Mtg.: Barbara to follow up on invoice from Ottawa U.
Bill to request invoice from City of Ottawa. |
5. Membership Report
Barbara moved and Amy seconded that the Greenspace Alliance accept the membership application of Francine Portenier. Carried. It was decided to defer the proposed membership exchange with the Coalition for a Healthy Ottawa to the next meeting. |
Deferred to next meeting. |
6. Business Arising from Minutes | |
a. Official Plan Appeal Progress
The pre-hearing for all appeals of the Official Plan begins on June 22nd. Someone from the Greenspace Alliance (not the same person all the time) should be present throughout the potential five days of the pre-hearing to make certain we become a party to those appeals by others in which we have an interest (primarily to support the City’s position). Amy will find some volunteers and hold a pre-hearing meeting to get organized. Tentative date of meeting is June 8th at 7:30 p.m. at Amy’s house. |
Amy to draft wording for Section 2.4.5, Policy 3.
Amy to organize meeting of volunteers. |
b. Run/Walk for Clean Air
This fund-raising event on June 6th will include music, a barbecue, and an eco-fair (organizations with tables) in addition to the run and walk activities. The run starts at I 0:00 a.m. Councillor Alex Cullen will open the event. Volunteers for run/walk day are needed. Volunteers should be at the Arboretum by 8:30 a.m. Barbara, D. Bright, and Janice volunteered. Amy may need to call people if an e-mail to the List does not result in enough volunteers. Barbara can provide table and folding chairs for Greenspace Alliance display table if needed. |
Amy to send e mail about event and to solicit volunteers.
Barbara to give Amy list of members. |
c. 5309 Bank Street
(1) Aggregate Resources Act Application Bill reported that a few people, including Iola Price (Ottawa Forests and Greenspace Advisory Committee) and Paul Koch (Environmental Advisory Committee), met with Mr. Tomlinson and his associates to discuss 5309 Bank St. The development review process provides that such a meeting will be held, if requested, when the applicant has not pre-consulted with the community. Although the Greenspace Alliance will be opposing the application to remove aggregate from a quarry, Bill suggested an option for Mr. Tomlinson to consider. Because not all aggregate will be mined in one year, he suggested a phased licence and phased zoning in strips from north to south. An advantage to the proponent would be that aggregate resource zoning is taxed higher than agricultural zoning. Phased zoning, particularly if the part not yet zoned for quarrying were put into a land trust, should better protect the habitat of rare and endangered species. (2) Report on Public Meeting Bill and Barbara reported on the dual public meeting held on May 10th. The first part of the meeting was required by the Province for an application for a licence to remove aggregate and consisted of a series of display boards with people employed by Mr. Tomlinson to answer questions. One representative from the Ministry of Natural Resources was present. The second part was a Community Information Session hosted by Ward Councillor Diane Deans, with City planning and environmental staff present, and involved the proposed Official Plan Amendment and re-zoning Amendment. It included a question and comment period during which members of the audience made numerous comments about the insufficiency of the Environmental Impact Statement and the importance of the land as habitat for rare plants. The Chair of the Ramseyville Community Association voiced concerns about the water table. Mr. Tomlinson stated that no tree-cutting had been done on the site. Bill and others have since observed that trees have been bulldozed and cut, which is a breach of one of the conditions of sale. A broken agreement concerning the sale of publicly owned land may have implications under the Public Lands Act. |
Bill to draft and circulate submission opposing application. Due date for comments is June 3rd.
Bill to investigate whether the Public Lands Act applies. |
(3) Official Plan Amendment
The Greenspace Alliance will be objecting to the proposed Official Plan Amendment to amend the designation of the property from General Rural Area and Rural Natural Features to Limestone Resource Area.
Bill to draft and circulate comments.
d. Development Charges
Amy reported that a number of Erwin’s submitted suggestions had been incorporated into the final background report, and that Erwin gave the presentation on behalf of the Greenspace Alliance at Corporate Services Committee on May 18th. Councillor Marie McRae asked him some questions, thus giving a greater opportunity to express our position. The due date for written comments to be incorporated in the staff report is June 8th. Amy noted that there are some substantial, unexplained changes between the April 7th report and the final background report, especially with respect to road costs.
Erwin to draft and circulate comments before due date. Barbara to ask Erwin if he needs any of Amy’s documents.
e. Development Process On Time Review
A focus-group public meeting conflicted with the Greenspace Alliance’s monthly meeting tonight (May 26th). The Greenspace Alliance did not to receive a specific invitation to participate in the focus group. All agreed that one item to emphasize is that when an Official Plan Amendment or Zoning Amendment goes to Planning Committee, it should be accompanied by any relevant proposed plan of subdivision or site plan rather than having approval of those delegated to staff. Bill noted that some of the proposed changes appear to be opposite to recent changes to the Planning Act designed to give more time for community input. Barbara and Amy volunteered to meet with Peggy Schenk to express the Greenspace Alliance ‘s concerns if a meeting can be arranged.
Barbara to call Peggy Schenk arrange meeting. Amy to e-mail points prepared for FCA to Barbara.
f. Kanata KNL Land
Amy drafted and presented the Greenspace Alliance’s submission at Planning and Environment Committee on May 11th. She also drafted, circulated for comment, and sent an e-mail to Councillors before the May 26th Council meeting. On May 26th, Council decided to defer making a final decision for two weeks in order to first obtain a legal opinion about whether or not some lands should be included in the 40% open space spared from development. No further action is necessary at this time.
g. 1179 Dozois Road
Barbara had received an e-mail from planner Cathlyn Kaufman on April 22nd, indicating that staff would be accepting a scoped Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) rather than the required full Environmental Impact Statement. Barbara drafted a letter to Councillor Thompson on May 13th requesting that approval authority delegated to staff for the proposed Plan of Subdivision be lifted. Bill e-mailed it on May 22nd. A two-sentence refusal from Councillor Thompson was received on May 25th. Concurrently, we received notice in a letter dated May 18th that staff had approved the Plan of Subdivision on May 13th. The consensus was to not appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board but to use this case, as an example, to ask some questions about why staff did not follow the Official Plan. Whom to present the case to was not decided. Councillors Cullen, Legendre, and Hume were mentioned as possibilities.
Janice and Barbara to prepare analysis.