General Meeting – 27 July 2000

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:

Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Minutes of Meeting July 27, 2000

Present: Erwin Dreessen (chair of this meeting), Barbara Barr, Klaus Pohle, Bill Royds, Bryan Hawley, Amy Kempster

Regrets: Shelley Parlow and Al Crosby

1. Approval of Agenda. The following changes were made to the Agenda: Add 1. a) New membership; under 6. North Castor Watershed Study; 10 a) Notices/short info items; 10 b) Westbridge Phase III b) ; 10 c) 3100 Conroy Bryan moved and Barbara seconded that the revised Agenda be accepted. Carried.

1. a) New Membership. Barbara moved and Bill seconded that the membership of Heron Park North Community Association be accepted. Later in the meeting (Item 4) Barbara moved and Bryan seconded that Klaus Pohle be accepted as a member.

2. Approval of Minutes of June 29, 200 Barbara asked that certain spelling and typing errors be corrected (Leitrim, Findlay, Lascelles, Poets’ Pathway; 1870 Alta Vista. In the item re Leitrim add after Mike Lascelles “and Jim Harvey” prior to “spoke about the federal …”. Barbara then moved and Bill seconded that the minutes as corrected be accepted. Carried.

3. Business arising out of the minutes. The letters re 121 Clearview and 3170 Conroy Road were sent. Montfort woods and other referrals-Teleconference delayed and Hydro due to go to Council August 2. Nothing new on Poets ‘ Pathway due to problems in contacting Brian Gifford. Erwin indicated that he and Bill might meet soon anyway. Leitrim will be dealt with later in Agenda.

4. Carleton University woods: Klaus Pohle spoke about this issue. Studies by the University in the past and by the city (NOSS) seem to have fallen on deaf ears. These woods are the last vestige of Dow’s Great Swamp, and provide  a quiet oasis on the campus. He said there seemed to be room for the residence without cutting the woods or there were alternative sites for the residence. It was suggested he contact Councillor Inez Berg and ask for a public meeting.  As well, contact with the alumni might help. For the GACC a late comment to the planner was deemed appropriate. Amy moved and Bryan seconded that GACC send a letter re this matter to the planning department.  Bill Royds to redraft the proposed letter and e-mail for comments prior to submission.   It was suggested those at the university send a letter to the University President asking that no precipitate action be taken and ask for a public meeting.

5. 1870 Alta Vista Drive (Conference Board). Since we had no representative from the area and lacked information re the issue it was agreed to drop this item for the time being.

6. Leitrim Wetland update. Unfortunately, the Transition Board and Council dealt with the matter before the proposed letters could be sent. Bill indicated that he had sent a personal letter to Councillor Stewart but no letter to The News.  It was reported that Albert Dugal said the Registry was open but the documents they were most interested in were not yet there. Cooperation has been obtained from a hydrologist and an ornithologist. A letter to the editor was printed July 19 from Albert, Mike and another person. Albert and the group are in touch with Osborne of the Transport Dept. re the contaminated land and Barbara Barr has been given material re this subject. She noted that there are measuring wells on Tartan land but not near the road. Bryan suggested it might be worthwhile to investigate whether there was a means to put a warning on title re contamination. Mike and Sol and Albert talked to the Regional Planners. Bill as our representative to the Friends of Leitrim Wetland will update us on further developments via e-mail. Since it was unclear whether the need to write Minister H. Dalhiwal was immediate or should wait until more information is available, Erwin agreed to contact Mike Lascelles and determine this and notify members. Bill noted that the North Castor Watershed Study which will look at problems of unstable soils and effects of increased runoff could be a factor since Findlay Creek is a tributary of the North Castor. Trish Trainor is the person in charge and it was suggested she be asked to address a fall meeting.

7. Orleans Quarry Forest update: Barbara Barr attended the meeting and spoke for the Greenspace Alliance but reported that Gloucester Council had passed the zoning (actually a downzoning) and subdivision. Only a handful of trees is to be saved. It was agreed to watch to see if the subdivision is brought to the Regional Planning Committee. Barb agreed to ask if local groups are ensuring this will happen.

8. Greenmap update. Bill noted that Friends of the Earth had taken this on and that there would be an unveiling on Oct. 10. The map has all the official greenspace but not the unofficial. It has received data from Regional Municipality of Ottawa Carleton, National Capital Commission, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, City of Ottawa, Natural Resources Canada, Isosceles Information Solutions and TerraChoice Environmental Services and has been promised data from the Communité Urbain d’Outaouais and the Government of Quebec.

9. Landtrust Working group-update: The June 21 meeting was noted and the fact that David Miller had sent a thank you and few notes out to those who at Two groups were formed: a foundation (administration) group and an action (pilot) group.

10. Transition Board update: The question is where are environmental concerns. Members are encouraged to report on any matters of which they have knowledge.

10 a) Notices/information items. Erwin noted the first sustainability report from the city of Ottawa, dated Jan. 1, 2000. Chiarelli’s proposal for spokes from the Greenbelt was also noted.

10 b) A good news item from Christine Hartig. Barbara reported that Westbridge was planning a development next to a provincially significant wetland.  Residents took photos and lobbied to get an independent evaluation done which came close to what residents felt was a better boundary (Poole Creek area). May be appealed to OMB by developer.

10 c) 3100 Conroy Road: Albert Dugal identified 2 significant plants: a viburnum (provincially significant) and the dense sedge (regionally significant). Although the grubbing done by Hydro wiped out some it it will  probably regenerate. Mowing in the fall is advised for such areas to keep down woody invasive bushes.

11. Suggestions for fall speakers. Besides Trish Trainor mentioned above: Marc Denhez re NCC and Charles Billington re Rideau Valley Conservation Authority were mentioned. As well, the idea of hosting a mayoral debate on environmental issues was brought up. It was agreed to see if the membership was in favour of this via e-mail.

12. It was proposed to try for a room for Sept 14 for the next meeting. The August meeting will be re administration matters. Erwin offered his house as the venue but timing must await Shelley’s return.  Date and place to be announced via e-mail.

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