Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Daniel Buckles, Adam Caldwell, Jason Kania, J.P. Unger, Janice Seline, Iola Price
The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.
- Adoption of the agenda
JP requested that item 4a(i) be added regarding assistance to Chalk River nuclear waste storage campaign. With this addition, the proposed agenda was agreed upon, moved by Nicole, seconded by Janice.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the November 25 2019 meeting (for approval)
Moved by Jason, seconded by Nicole. Carried.
b. Treasurer’s report
Paul reported on changes in the bank signing authorities. Both Erwin and Amy were removed from the list of authorized signers and Daniel added. The signing authorities are now therefore Paul, Nicole, Jason and Daniel. The following expenses were approved: payment of the annual rental fee for the meeting room at the Hintonburg CC ($226.56), moved by Jason, seconded by Daniel; reimbursement to Paul for the rental of the Greenspace Alliance Post office box ($224.87), moved by Jason, seconded by Iola; reimbursement to Daniel for the development and implementation for the new website ($483.11), moved by Iola, seconded by Nicole.