Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Erwin Dreessen, Jason Kania,
Guests: Yasmine Belharakat, Lauriane Long-Raymond, Amanda Allnutt
Regrets: Nicole DesRoches, J.P. Unger
The meeting commenced at: 7:20pm
- Adoption of the agenda
A modified agenda was agreed upon.
- Administrative items
a. Minutes of the May 28, 2018 meeting (for approval)
Paul circulated a revised version of the minutes. Erwin moved, seconded by Jason, to adopt the revised minutes. Agreed.
b. Membership/Board report
Paul reported that many membership renewals had been received in the past month. Only a few past due renewals need follow up.
c. Treasurer’s report
Paul reported on the receipt of membership dues during the month and also of the proceeds of the annual plant sale, which once again provided a sizeable contribution to our budget. Many thanks to GA member Janice Seline for leading this fundraising activity, and also to plant donors and helpers who make it possible: Albert Dugal, Erwin and Gert Dreessen, Chris Woodward, Mike Mack, Iola Price, Barbara Dytnerska and Amy Steele. Erwin moved, seconded by Jason, to pay our annual membership fee for the Ontario Environment Network ($40), the rental fee for the meeting space for our meetings at the Hintonburg Community Centre through to December 2018 ($108) and to proceed with our pledge of $250 towards the Kilmorie Heritage Fund.
d. Webmaster’s report
More details were provided by Paul and Erwin on the “Page not found” errors on our website. These occur when library items or hyperlinks to other pages on our website contain our IP address rather than the name of our website. Jason committed to look into making a bulk change to update all such links at once. (Update: Subsequently, Jason developed and ran a small program that corrected the error, which seems to have cleared up the problem.)
e. Volunteer report
Brittney Bourdages, who has been working on our Geodata project, has accepted a job out of town and is no longer available to us. Amanda indicated that she knew someone who may be able to take up this file.
f. Geodata report
Nothing to report.
g. Association reports
FCA – Erwin and Paul attended the FCA Annual General Meeting on June 20. They reported on an excellent panel discussion on the theme of getting media attention to community issues. Jon Willing, who covers City Hall for Postmedia, and Erin McCracken, who covers the southern part of Ottawa for Community Voice, made informative presentations and provided insightful answers to the many questions asked by participants in the Q & A session that followed. Erwin reported that in the second half of the AGM, the entire current executive was re-elected.