General Meeting – November 23, 2020

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Greenspace Watch
Monthly General Meeting

Meeting date:
November 23, 2020

Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Nicole DesRoches, Robb Barnes, Daniel Buckles, David McNicoll, Iola Price, J.P Unger, Janice Seline, Raymond Leury

The meeting commenced at 7:00 pm.

  1. Adoption of the agenda

The proposed agenda was agreed upon, moved by Daniel, seconded by Nicole.

2. Administrative items

a) Minutes of the October 19, 2020 meeting (for approval)

Moved by Nicole, seconded by David. Carried.

 b) FCA retreat, Board meeting and General meeting

Paul gave a brief update of current issues taken up by the FCA. In his new role as Director at large of the FCA he will ensure that greenspace issues continue to be given priority by this important citizens’ association.

Policy Instruments


  1. Official Plan 2021

    Draft Official release November 20, 2020

    Paul gave an overall summary review of the policies dealing with greenspace in the new draft Official Plan. This was based on a compilation of all policies in the new draft OP that deal with greenspace issues. The material presented will also form part of the presentation he will give at the POP workshop on December 12.

Threats and Opportunities


  1. RURAL

    Goulbourn Wetlands

    LPAT Case Conference. Goulbourn PSW

    Paul attended this Case Conference on November 6 as the GA had participated in the process leading up the Official Plan amendment to re-delineate the Goulbourn PSW, which is the subject of appeals by a number of landowners. The GA was recognized by LPAT as a participant in the hearing, along with Ken McRae. Under this new process, participants can only submit written statements.  The next case conference has been scheduled for February 24. It is possible that settlements will be made before, which could be considered at the January 27 Council Meeting.    


    Protect the Farm, CEG, CEFAC Meeting

    Paul updated members on the current status of the new campus project of the Ottawa Hospital on the site of the former Sir John Carling Building, adjacent to the Experimental Farm and Dow’s Lake. He chairs the Campus Engagement Group, a public engagement forum created by the Ottawa Hospital with broad community representation. COVID has slowed the project down but Stage 2 of the provincial capital planning process will likely be completed in early 2021, leading to the actual design phase in Stage 3. This is where local community and other stakeholders concerns will need to be taken in consideration. From the GA’s perspective, this means protection of the Central Experimental Farm greenspace.

  3. OTHER

    Carrera Development Plan, Aylmer Sector

    A development firm based in Montreal contacted the GA regarding a residential development project on sensitive shoreline land on the Ottawa River in the Aylmer sector. The purpose of the contact was to outline the project and its environmental impact and to gain some insight into the local community’s environmental stakeholders. After an informative Zoom meeting, they committed to stay in touch as the project develops.

The Meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.