Minutes of the AGM – 29 May 2017


Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital

Greenspace Watch


May 29, 2017

Hintonburg Community Centre

1064 Wellington Street West, K1Y 2Y3

Members present: Paul Johanis (chair), Varvara Lobanova (note taker), Erwin Dreessen, Amy Steele, Bruce Lindsay, Sol Shuster, John Almstedt, Nicole DesRoches

Guest: Ole Hendrickson

Regrets: Jason Kania, David McNicoll, Lorne Peterson, Juan Pedro Unger

The meeting started at 7:20 PM.

1. Establishment of quorum

Quorum was established.

2. Minutes of the May 30, 2016 AGM

Erwin moved approval, Bruce seconded, approved.

3. Membership report

Bruce presented a report – no significant changes, moved to adopt the report, Paul seconded. All agreed.

Action: we must continue following up with members ensuring they renew their membership.

4. Financial Report

Amy presented the Interim Statement for fiscal year ended March 31, 2017 and moved to accept. Bruce seconded. All agreed.

Action: The new Treasurer is to reconcile the Interim Statement with the one prepared by Erwin for the period up to October 3, 2016.

5. Annual Report

Paul presented report highlights, Bruce moved to accept the report as final draft, Erwin seconded, suggesting some further tweaking is in order. All agreed

Paul moved a motion to thank Erwin for his outstanding service on the Board, Bruce seconded, all happily agreed.

Bruce moved a motion to acknowledge Ken McRae’s efforts in preservation of Goulbourn Wetlands, Amy moved to send a letter of thanks to Ken, Sol seconded. All agreed.

Action: Erwin and Paul to make further revisions to the report as discussed. Paul to prepare a letter of thanks to Ken.

6. Election of Chair and Directors:

Continuing Board members: Paul Johanis, Bruce Lindsay, Amy Steele, Nicole DesRoches, Jason Kania, J.P. Unger; new: Varvara Lobanova.

Bruce moved to thank Sol Shuster for his hard work, Paul seconded, all agreed.

Erwin moved to elect Paul as Chair, Amy seconded, all agreed.

7. Other Business

There was no other business.

8. Adjournment

The meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM.