Minutes of the General Meeting of 16 March 2006
Champlain Park Field House
Members: Chris Szpak (Chair & Secretary), Erwin Dreessen, Carol Gudz, Amy Kempster, Daphne McCree, Janice Seline, Juan Pedro Unger.
Regrets: Sol Shuster
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
1. Adoption of the Agenda:
The following amendments were made: – The following item was added to New Business: c) Wetlands Protection – The following item was deleted from Continuing Business: b) Poets’ Pathway The agenda was adopted as amended. |
2. Approval of February Meeting Minutes:
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and C. Gudz seconded approval of the February meeting minutes as amended. Carried. |
3. Business Arising:
(a) NCC Governance: 3. Future Directions: (c) Leitrim: (d) Provincial Bill 51: |
– The NCC Committee, led by S. Shuster will convene a meeting.
– C. Szpak will produce a discussion paper. |
4. Membership Report:
Motion: A. Kempster moved and J. Seline seconded the approval of the application membership of Ron Rancourt. Carried. Reminders for membership renewals will need to be sent out. |
J. Seline will send out reminders. |
5. Treasurer’s Report: Nothing new to report. | |
6. Continuing Business:
(a) 5309 Bank Street: The Alliance’s appeal to the OMB has been officially withdrawn due to lack of resources to pursue it. (b) Country Lot Estates and Environment Appeals: The Alliance is in the process of subpoenaing a planning witness in preparation for an OMB hearing scheduled for May 9-26 to cover a number of environmental issues in the OP. (c) Carp River Flood Plain: The Carp River Coalition discussed with the applicant the Conditions of Subdivision for the Mattamy development. (d) Agricultural and Rural Affairs Committee: The ARAC has been given more planning authority. There was concern that the Committee was not adequately representative or accountable to have increased authority over planning decisions. (d) Municipal Elections: A Committee was established to plan the Alliance’s approach to promoting environmental issues in the November municipal elections. JP Unger agreed to lead the Committee which will also include C. Szpak and E. Dreessen. It was agreed that the GACC should join forces with other groups (e.g., Mike Lascelles) to pool resources and present a common front. (e) Funding Activities: The GACC Funding Committee, headed by J. Seline, has arranged the Alliance’s participation in the Rare and Unusual Plan Sale scheduled for May 14 at the Central Experimentation Farm. As the event draws nearer, the Committee will be asking for donations of plants and collecting them. |
– JP Unger to finalize the press release.
– A. Kempster will contact Ned. – An Alliance Committee will review and comment. – A. Kempster will draft a letter of concern. JP Unger will draft a press release. – E. Dreessen will contact Mike Lascelles to coordinate a common approach. |
7. New Business:
(a) City Setback Policies: (b) Alliance Website: (c) Wetlands: |
– C. Szpak will coordinate with B. Royds and R. Rancourt to improve maintenance of the website.
– JP Unger will contact the student. |
8. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. |