Greenspace Alliance of Canada’s Capital
Minutes of the General Meeting of 18 October 2007
Honeywell Room, City Hall
Members: Cheryl Doran (Chair), Erwin Dreessen, Gert Dreessen, Barry George, Carol Gudz, Theresa Jobateh (Secretary), Amy Kempster, Joseph Potvin, Janice Seline, Sol Shuster.
The meeting commenced at approx. 9:20 p.m.
Adoption of the agenda
An agenda was agreed upon by consensus.
New Business
a) The following Director roles were agreed upon:
Chair: Cheryl Doran
Vice-Chair: Carol Gudz
Treasurer: Amy Kempster
Membership: Janice Seline
Secretary: Theresa Jobateh
Directors at large: Sol Shuster, Joseph Potvin, Barry George, Chris Szpak, Bill Royds, George Wilson
b) Imagine Ottawa Social Forum
Members confirmed date, time and volunteers attending at the Alliance’s table on October 20th.
c) Leitrim Wetlands
Erwin and Sol provided an update. The OMB Chair wrote on September 12, refusing a Review. They suggested that a Judicial Review seemed advisable, on the ground that we did not receive “fair process” and did not receive the data required to build the case.
Erwin recommended that the Directors meet with legal counsel to discuss risks. A tentative date of October 29 at 7:30 p.m. was agreed upon. Confirmations will follow.
d) Parc Sport Écologique
Joseph provided an update on this endeavour on the Gatineau side of the Ottawa River, the enthusiastic support of the local community and ward councillors but not from the city engineers. He reported on issues such as challenges with the latter, the raw sewage on the Ottawa side of the river and the costly contractor work with “gate holes”.
Next steps: Continue with the process of communications and intervening when possible.
e) Rural Forum
Amy provided an update on the November 3rd forum dealing with with development in rural areas. The key issue is Country Lot Estates. She encourages other Alliance Directors to attend as she cannot. Erwin and Barry volunteered.
f) Urban Rezoning issue
Amy provided an update on this issue of NCC lands along the river. She will attend the Planning Committee meeting of October 22 on behalf of the Alliance and speak on the provisions for NCC lands as well as about the need to change public notices in regards to Greenbelt proposals. She will circulate comments draft over the week-end.
g) 1370 Murphy Side Road rezoning issue
The Alliance had originally commented on this issue. Amy recommended that we not pursue as the area as it is part of General Urban Area (GUA) in the Official Plan.
h) NCC Greenbelt Beaver Trapping Issue
Cheryl spoke of an issue where a trapper has been observed on NCC land and communications with him confirmed that he was hired by the NCC in order to prevent further damage to a forested area.
Action: Cheryl will draft a letter of concern / complaint and send to Alliance Directors for review prior to sending to the NCC.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Next meetings : November 15, 2007 and December 6th.