Minutes of the General Meeting of 19 January 2006
Champlain Park Field House
Members: Chris Szpak (Chair & Secretary), Erwin Dreessen, Carol Gudz, Bill Royds, Janice Seline.
Guests: Ron Rancourt, Pat Snell.
Regrets: Mik Svilans.
Meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.
1. Adoption of the Agenda:
The following items were added: – Under (5) New Business: The agenda was adopted as amended. |
2. Minutes of December Meeting:
Motion: E. Dreessen moved and J. Seline seconded to approve the minutes of the 17 December 2005 general meeting. Carried. |
3. Membership Report:
J. Seline will be sending out an email to remind members to renew their membership. Motion: J. Seline moved and E. Dreessen seconded the acceptance of the membership application of Peter Hillier, subject to receiving the membership fee. Carried. |
J. Seline to send reminder email. |
4. Treasurer’s Report:
Nothing to report. |
5. New Business:
(a) O-Train Maintenance Yard: P. Snell and R. Rancourt briefed the meeting about the City plans to use Airport Parkway green space site as one of the choices for a LRT marshalling yard. They were seeking advice from the Alliance on how to go about protecting this site. (b) Fernbank wetland: DCR/Phoenix has offered to sell to the City some of the Fernbank wetland to be conserved. Members were concerned that the City was paying more than it should for the land and that there was other land of higher environmental value that should be given priority for purchasing, given the fact that there was a limited amount of money in the City’s Environmental Lands Acquisition Fund. It was agreed that these concerns be submitted to the upcoming Corporate Services Committee meeting where the matter was to be considered. There was some question as well regarding the state of the Fund and what kind of expenditures have been made in the past. |
– B. Royds and E. Dreessen to follow up.
– B. Royds will draft a letter to Council. – C. Szpak will investigate further. |
6. Continuing Business:
(a) 5309 Bank Street: The Alliance’s Official Plan and Zoning appeal as well as the quarry licence application are now awaiting an OMB pre-hearing. The appeal needs a lead person to pursue it, otherwise the appeals will have to be withdrawn. (b) Leitrim: A letter was sent to the MOE in support of Albert Dugal’s request for an Individual Provincial Environmental Assessment for the new stormwater management system for the Leitrim Community. The MOE responded that the system still needs to be reviewed by a number of other government agencies. Phase 4 of Leitrim will be discussed at Planning and Environment Committeel on January 24. A. Dugal is submitting his concerns and it was agreed that the Alliance support him. (c) Country Lot Estates Appeal: The Alliance is in ongoing negotiations with the City regarding its appeal dealing with country lot estates. An OMB pre-hearing is to take place February 6. (d) Carp River Flood Plain: A press release and conference are being prepared to raise the public’s awareness of the detrimental effects of the City’s current plan to restore the Carp river flood plain. (e) Alliance Funding Activities: The Alliance will participate in the Rare and Unusual Plant sale that takes place in early May to raise funds. (f) Provincial Bill 51: The Province has introduced Bill 51 which amends the Planning Act and several other Acts, with implications for the role of the OMB. The Bill needs to be reviewed in detail to ascertain its import for the Alliance and its activities. |
– B. Royds will try to find a lead person.
– E. Dreessen will draft a letter to Council. – E.. Dreessen will review it. |
7. Adjournment:
Meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. |