Friends of the Greenspace Alliance
Monthly Meeting, 21 Oct 2010,
Conservation Co-op, Ottawa.
Present: Janice Seline, Amy Kempster, Edelweiss D’Andrea, Joseph Potvin.
The meeting commenced at 7:00 p.m.
1. Treasurer’s Report
The financial needs for the AGM were discussed:
a. Alicia Reckzin is preparing food for 100 people, and we are unsure of the cost per person. Joseph will ask her.
b. cj fleury asks for $150 honorarium for her presentation on the panel.
Motion: Amy moved that we pay the honorarium to cj fleury for her participation on the panel. Seconded by Janice. Carried.
2. AGM & Event plans were discussed.
3. Uplands
Not discussed, as Sol and Cheryl were not present.
4. Proposed submission re Ontario’s Provincial Policy Statement
Amy sent out a draft submission and she needs comments by October 25. Greenspace elements are quite good, but woodlands exempt Canadian Shield land. Too much damage goes on in those remote areas.
5. The Common Ground Project. Chelsea.
Joseph suggested inviting the Common Ground developers to do a joint presentation event with FGA.
6. Adjournment. 9:15.