Greenspace Watch
Meeting of January 24, 2012
RA Fieldhouse
Members present: Amy Kempster (chair), Erwin Dreessen (note taker), Elina Elnione, Jason Kania
Regrets: Alicia Reckzin, James O’Grady
The meeting commenced at 7:25 p.m.
The agenda was approved by consensus with the addition of an item on Membership and a third item under Other Business – 471 Sangeet Place.
Minutes of November 21, 2011
Jason moved, seconded by Amy, to approve the last version of the Minutes as circulated, with the addition of Elina under regrets.
Treasurer’s report
Jason moved, seconded by Elina, to approve a donation of $30.00 to Champlain Park C.A. for use of the Fieldhouse. Agreed.
Erwin moved, seconded by Jason, to approve payment of $158.20 for a year’s rental of the P.O. Box. Agreed.
Erwin moved, seconded by Jason, to accept the membership of Joan Spice. Agreed.
Amy will look into the status of the membership register and volunteered to make any necessary phone calls about membership renewal. Jason volunteered to send any necessary emails.
Business arising from the Minutes
Amy undertook to send copies of the Resolution on greenhouse gases approved at the November meeting to the Ottawa and Gatineau Mayors, the Ontario and Quebec Premiers and the Prime Minister.
Report on OMB activities
Re Country Lot Estates, Cavanagh is appealing. The court date is postponed till March.
Re Flewellyn, there still is no final wording.
Re Urban Boundary, Erwin and Martin Callsen will meet with the City’s Tim Marc and Nick Stow tomorrow. Jason and Elina agreed to give Amy and Erwin authority to decide on whether to accept a settlement offer or not.
Other reports
Jason’s report on the status of Urban Natural Areas is progressing and expected in early February.
The issue of a by-law on Heritage Trees (or an amendment to the Distinctive Trees by-law) received support at a recent FCA meeting and was on the agenda of OFGAC yesterday. The Champlain Oaks are being put forward as candidates for registration under a by-law.
A more sophisticated system would cost $17/month or $200/year. Jason and Erwin will meet to discuss options further and to sort out the problems with implementing the protocol as approved in February 2011.
Other business
OFGAC is promoting a Tree Canopy Master Plan and Agnes Warda at FCA is supporting it. Amy provided a 2-page document providing some details (attached).
The draft FCA position on a Section 37 policy (community benefits) was reviewed and supported but it was agreed that Erwin send in a comment suggesting that the exemption for non-profit housing be optional in order to prevent abuse.
Erwin had circulated information about a proposal for 471 Sangeet Place. Elina will look into it further.
The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Next meetings are February 28 and March 27 at 7:15 p.m. in the RA Fieldhouse.