Friends of the Greenspace Alliance
Meeting of June 27, 2011
RA Centre Field House.
Members attending : Amy Kempster (Chair), Jason Kania (note taker), Janice Seline
Regrets : Erwin Dreessen, Sol Shuster, Alicia Reckzin
The meeting commenced at 7:15 p.m.
1. Minutes
Janice moved, seconded by Jason to adopt the Minutes as amended. Carried.
2. Treasurer’s Report
No money has been spent, no money has been added to the account.
3. Ongoing Work Items
South March
Amy to check with regard to urban boundary and addition of 850 hectares.
OFGAC walk for burr oaks
taking place in an effort to promote lobbying for heritage tree status for the oaks.
Amy suggested a letter to the Councillors in support to be written by Alicia.
Summer Fundraiser
motion to postpone fund raiser for summer moved by Jason, seconded by Janice. Carried.
Urban Natural Areas
Amy suggested looking on the City of Ottawa web site to evaluate zoning status of areas.
Urban Boundary – 850 hectares was added as a result of the OMB’s Decision of June 3, 2011.
OPA 76 Flewelleyn
– quarry operators are working to protect access to aggregates over protection of the wetlands.
– environmental organizations are suggesting that the Provincial Policy Statement be amended to clarify that wetland protection trumps aggregate extraction.
– site alteration bylaw needs to be addressed by City Council.
no update
– NCC has 3 concept plans for Greenbelt planning on the web so the public is encouraged to view the plans
– Greenbelt Coalition members were dismayed that the NCC proposed only very limited additions to the Greenbelt.
– public consultation is ongoing.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.