Greenspace Watch
Annual General Meeting
May 30, 2016
Hintonburg Community Centre
1064 Wellington Street West
K1Y 2Y3
Members present: Erwin Dreessen (Chair), Bruce Lindsay, Paul Johanis, Judy Makin, David McNicoll, Iola Price, Juan Pedro Unger, Lorne Peterson
Guest: Elise Saint-Martin (notetaker)
Regrets: Nicole DesRoches, Jason Kania, Sol Shuster, John Almstedt, Ian Whyte
The meeting commenced at 7:20 p.m.
1. Establishment of the quorum
Quorum was established.
2. Minutes of the AGM of May 25, 2015
David moved, seconded by Paul, to approve the Minutes of May 25, 2015 as published. Agreed.
3. Membership report
Bruce reported a net increase of 8 memberships over the previous year. He moved, seconded by Paul, to accept his report as distributed, which will be attached to the AGM Minutes. Agreed.
4. Financial report
Erwin distributed the financial report for April 2015 to March 2016 and provided some highlights. He moved, seconded by Iola Price, to accept the financial report. Agreed.
Erwin distributed draft 2 of the Annual Report (May 2015 – April 2016), noting that several links to the web site still need to be created. He highlighted several files that have received no or little coverage in the mainstream media, including the aftermath of OPA 150 to date and the aftermath of the 2014 Development Charges by-law. Via Twitter he was contacted by a new group, CRDO (Citizens for Responsible Development Ottawa), which aims to report on controversial development issues; he’ll be meeting with co-founder Thierry Harris soon.
Other major actions this year included the KNL application for an “overall benefit” permit to destroy Blanding’s Turtle habitat, redevelopment of CFB Rockcliffe and several provincial policy reviews. The controversy over development of the Domtar lands is likely to continue, despite the recent loss at Divisional Court by appellants Cardinal and others. Development of the former Oblate lands provided a lesson on how good development can occur with community involvement and despite city planners’ obstructions. Encroachment on the Central Experimental Farm by the Ottawa Hospital will remain a major concern.
Some small advances were made for environmental protection in the context of Council’s Term of Council Priorities and for greater transparency of NCC Board of Directors meetings. Organizationally, transfer of web content from Drupal to WordPress remains a major issue. Finally, Erwin noted the comment by Councillor Nussbaum at an FCA monthly meeting that there is political interference in planning advice that comes forward.
Erwin moved, seconded by Bruce, to accept the Annual Report. Agreed.
6. Election of Chairs and Directors
Bruce indicated that he would like to rejoin the Board. There were no other nominations. All current Board members will continue to serve. This was agreed.
7. Other Business
There was no other business.
8. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.